Tuesday, December 24, 2019

New Series 260: Hatonn present to commune in the Radiance of God ATON, of the One Lighted SOURCE. Let us resume where we left off, Jonur. Thank you for your service. Amen! THE BARBARIANS! As you begin to see the history of the Khazar 13th Tribe, as they unfolded in what is now the center southernmost tip of Russia, you can come to realize what your nation—and world—is really up against.

12/04/2019 HATONN/jonur (ns 260)

Hatonn present to commune in the Radiance of God ATON, of the One Lighted SOURCE.  Let us resume where we left off, Jonur.  Thank you for your service. Amen!


As you begin to see the history of the Khazar 13th Tribe, as they unfolded in what is now the center southernmost tip of Russia, you can come to realize what your nation—and world—is really up against.

We are not “anti-Semitic, and there is no hatred of the Jewish people.  We are, however, greatly opposed to the anti-Christ.  Therefore, we of God’s Mighty HOSTS are setting the record to straight—mankind must know WHO is out to destroy him!  There IS A LUCIFER, dear hearts, and he is alive and well, and after your souls.  The biggest threat you face, as a species of human experiencing on this earth, is IGNORANCE.  The Khazars spend billions annually to keep you distracted through their controlled major media.  Because, once the masses “SEE” the evil at work in your government, your finances, and your culture, the veil will be lifted!  You will see who is pulling the strings, and the ultimate puppet master will be revealed!

They were barbarians from the beginning, and Christianity is the last prize to conquer.  You have slept too long and the hour is near, but with God—all things can be accomplished!

In the Khazar Empire, the peoples who were subject to the Khazars received only one thing in return for their payments (heavy taxes) of tribute, and that was only one thin and shaky promise that the Khazars would refrain from further attacks and pillage—so long as the tributes were paid.  The subjects of the Khazar Empire, therefore, were simply nothing more than victims of a giant mafia type protection racket.  The Khazar overlords were therefore resented universally and bitterly throughout their domain.  But they were also feared because of the merciless way in which they dealt with anyone who stood up to them.  (The American people are not aware that NONE OF THEIR SO-CALLED “TAX DOLLARS” goes to fixing the infrastructure, or running the government!  The money goes to the Pharisee Money-Changers who are the same “Jews” Jesus dealt with in the Temple.  Today, you call them ZIONISTS, and INTERNATIONAL BANKERS!  The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland—are the Beast from Revelation!  You cannot even pay the interest on the loans the United States was “advised” to take on by Rothschild and Rockefeller agents, placed in important cabinet positions.  And Kissinger was their top spy!)  And so the Khazar Empire expanded until it occupied large areas of what is now Russia and south-eastern Europe.  By the eighth century, the Khazar Empire extended northward to Kiev and westward to include the Magyars, the ancestors of modern Hungary.

Then a stunning event took place in the mid 700’s AD.  The Khazars had been under continual pressure from their Byzantine (Rome) and Moslem neighbors to adopt either Christianity or Islam.  You see, God came into the world for this region of your planet.  The Americas had not been “discovered” yet, and the aboriginal/original “human”, as God labeled His people placed there, were already a spiritual and Godly bunch.  However, over in “The Old World” of Europe, Asia, etc., they were just coming out of their warring, barbaric past.  The Age of Character finally led to the wide-spread acceptance of a benevolent God, the people could come to revere and respect.  The main three groups:  Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism, became the “saving grace”, if you will, of all those troubled, lost people.  All the tribes “adopted” a religion, as they all found God—all save one little evil tribe—the Khazars.  Remember, there were ONLY TWELVE TRIBES of “Israel”.  The false one, claiming Jew, is an imposter 13th tribe, and your own Holy Bible tells you as much in Revelation.  But the Khazar ruler, called the Khan, had heard of a third religion called Judaism. Apparently for political reasons of independence the Khan announced that the Khazars were adopting Judaism as their authorized religion.

Overnight an entirely new group of people, the warlike Khazars, suddenly proclaimed themselves to be Jews—adoptive Jews—and formed their tribe straight away.  The Khazar Kingdom began to be described as the “Kingdom of the Jews” by historians of the day.  Succeeding Khazar rulers took Jewish names, and during the late ninth century the Khazar Kingdom became a haven for Jews from other lands.

Meanwhile, the brutal Khazar domination over other peoples continued quite unchanged.  But then a new factor appeared on the scene.  During the 8th century they came coursing down the great rivers, the Dnieper, the Don, and the Volga.  They were the eastern branch of the Vikings—ouch! They were known as the Varangian, or as the Rus (Blonds).  Like other Vikings, the Rus were bold adventurers and fierce fighters but, when they tangled with the Khazars, the Rus often ended up paying tribute like everyone else.  When two titans meet, it is always interesting for the probabilities change moment by moment.  Now, isn’t all this history fascinating?  You started your journey of hate and confrontation and enslavement so far back it, too, is forgotten.


About 862 a Rus leader named Rurik founded the city of Novgorod, and the Russian nation was born.  The Rus Vikings settled among the Slavonic tribes under Khazar domination, and the struggle between Vikings and Khazars changed in character.  It then became a struggle by the emerging nation of Russia for independence from Khazar oppression.

Over a century after the founding of Russia’s first city, another momentous event took place.  Russia’s leader, Prince Vladimir of Kiev, accepted baptism as a Christian in the year 989 and a big to-do was made of it, of course.  He then actively promoted Christianity in Russia, and his memory is revered by Russians today as “Saint Vladimir”.  And so, over a thousand years ago, Russia’s tradition as a Christian nation began.  How many of you know this?  How many of you children realize that Russia is a Christian nation?  You all teach and proffer that Russians are atheistic—those are the Soviets, my friends, who are preaching the no-God theories.

Vladimir’s conversion also brought Russia into alliance with Byzantium.  The Byzantine rulers had always feared the Khazars, and the Russians were still struggling to free themselves.  And so, in the year 1016, combined Russian and Byzantine forces attacked the Khazar Kingdom.  The Khazar Empire was shattered, and the kingdom of the Khazars itself fell into decline.  Eventually most of the Khazar Jews migrated to other areas.  Many of them wound up in Eastern Europe, where they mingled and intermarried with other Jews.  Like the Semitic Jews some 1000 years earlier, the Khazar Jews became dispersed.  (Remember, Semitic “Jew” and Khazar Turk “Jew” is not the same tribe or group.  The term “Jew” was not created until the King James’ Bible was presented in the 1600’s.  Nor was the proper noun, “Israel”.  It was always “israel”, with a lower-case “i”, meaning “Godly people” or “followers of God”.  In 1947 AD, the term “Israel” was capitalized and the PLACE of Israel was created, by stealing land in Palestine, and labeling it Israel.  By these clever ruses, the Khazars created the confusion necessary to hide in the heritage of King David, and his Hebrew Judean—NOT—“J-E-W-I-S-H” people.  Do you see now, how this secret was kept “secret” all these long centuries?  “Those who call themselves Jews and are not, are of the synagogue of Satan”, Revelation 2:9.  “… Them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews and are not, but do lie, behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee”, Revelation 3:9.  The wolf in sheep’s clothing, indeed!  The kingdom of the Khazars was no more.


As they moved and lived among the Jewish people, the Khazar Jews passed on a distinct heritage in a militant form—known as ZIONISM!  You thought I wasn’t going to get there, didn’t you?  This was passed on from generation to generation and became more and more militant and reached out in every direction in its efforts to consume and control.  This particular group all but consumed Germany in the early third of this century, of your counting.  Hitler did not like what the Zionist Jews did to Germany, and fought against their world domination plans, and the looting of his beloved “Third Reich”.  Much like what President Trump is up against, this very day!  And for that, the Zionists declared “Universal War” on the German people.  At another sitting we will, again, cover the truth of the so-called “Holocaust”, and why Hitler ended up in the Antarctic with a fleet of submarines, along with his SECRET “UFO BATTALLION”.  Coincidentally, this was when the waves of “flying saucers” were doing fly-bys over Washington D.C.—look it up!  Also, do your research on Admiral Byrd’s naval battle group trip down to the Antarctic, when Hitler supposedly committed suicide.  Byrd’s top secret mission was code named “OPERATION HIGH JUMP”.  In the view of Khazar Jews, the land occupied by ancient Israel is to be retaken—not by miracle but by armed force.

Jonur, reproduce the Introduction from the Journal on THE SCIENCE OF MAN AND THE SCIENTIFIC DEFINITION AND PROOF OF GOD.  Thank you.


Aton present to share with you briefly as you move into this book of information.  You are coming into the great Truths of the Cosmic Universe and actual Creation and Order.  What you glean from this information is solely up to you for you are given to experience as you choose.  It is given, however, that those of you who wish to find your path unto your Source may know how to find the way and KNOW.  There are no secrets kept—only now are you ready for the next step in growth so that discernment and judgment of actions can be valid.  When the world asks, “What of the teacher, what message has he for us that is greater than all others”, you may answer:  “Behold, every LIFE, no matter how humble, no matter how tragic, no matter how broken and thwarted, has a meaning and an inner glory and is precious in God’s sight.”

You who will come into knowing shall do goodly works such as few of My servants, and your brethren and friends have been able to accomplish; you shall have the TRUTH and the WAY.  You shall, further, reach that maturity wherein you shall live it and give weight a thousand fold to every word and precept that comes from the tongue—for you shall grow in the knowing that giving forth Love instead of a biting confrontation in discord brings the reward and ability for the re-giving.

There have been many artists within the chronicles of men but few there have been, capable of conscious communion with Me; yet I tell you it is a responsibility that does crush the weaker brethren.  All must learn to come within communion for each is precious and each IS an artist of great value unto My needs.

Go with heart that is high from adventure to adventure and walk always knowing that each day must render its accounting to Me.

My love shall ever guide you and guard you so that you falter not—I am with you and with KNOWING comes your comfort.  You can only come into the KNOWING by first sharing and partaking of the “knowledge”.

How can you fail to go forward, sure and calm and free?  Use all that has been given unto you—Mind and Soul—Spirit.  If you have your responsible education you will find failure leaves of your presence.  You can dwell ever in the plane of perfect inspiration and still function exposed to Earth’s vibrations for the Laws are given which will, if followed, keep you ever in balance and harmony with all that is Nature in The Creation’s perfect order.

It is My work that you do and the power of the Spirit pours upon you and no power on Earth or in the heavens can do more than help you at the moments instant—if you but KNOW.

My work shall be done…when you are prepared in the fullness of time, then the harvest will be reaped.  At this time the lives of the world are lived in narrow little places.  Romance offers escape from reality.  I tell you that we bring them transfigured reality that shall move them and win them.  We shall bring Truth in such simplicity that each can KNOW and then decisions shall be left unto the individual being for the choosing.  I keep My promises made unto you—all will be kept; none have been broken; I give you strong loyalty; I shall be worthy of your allegiance.  When the wracked spirit CAUSES you concern, remember My words of promise and be strong and remember that you are not made strong by having all desires gratified—even unto your communion with ME.  You shall learn properly so that you can remain in MY PRESENCE and not turn away at your whims of physical indulgence.  For as a child must grow and a twig must be trained to be straight and tall as the perfect tree—so shall you learn

There are yet principles at stake of which men have no knowledge.  There are policies in progress that have no explanations, great works do manifest but men’s eyes see them not.  Only I see the ultimate, only the Wise Ones know of the attainings, only those who have conquered their own Spirits behold the vast pattern by which men are made perfect.  Let the world’s dead be buried by those who are dead:  verily, there are no dead save of the mortal but there are those refusing wisdom and might better be dead.  As I make it known to you in wisdom of that which transpires, you shall clearly know that which causes you to stumble—it will behoove you to work My commandments!

Lo, those come to you who have been the spirits of the great in every age; they come to you sustaining you; they come to you beseeching you; they say in their beseeching to heed.  Not all of them are with you for many come again, yet in your future and some you know not ever; others you have knowledge of; they come and go in your affairs, unseen as well as seen.  They come that they might share in the knowledge as you unfold into wisdom.

Lo, these blessed ones come not in their olden roles at present; some come to you as artisans and yea, of humble callings.  If you bestowed upon these ones in your prior experience see that which returns compounded.  The times are upon you when those you have known as humble persons shall stand forth as marvels, challenging your intellects; you have known them verily as angels of radiance, now you behold them as drawers of water.  Verily do you see them as hewers of wood—well, they are actually hewers of men’s eternal destinies.

Many of you walked with My son upon your own place and have come again to attend His return in His own growth and honor.  Do not deny the memories of your own pathways unto excellence lest you miss your own graduation.  Have you not said, “Father, allow me to walk again and serve with this Master, let me manifest with Him again in that you love me,”—have you not said it?

Take that which is given and know from its profit.  I say it shall fill you; the spirit of holiness shall break bread with your wisdom; there shall come a great brilliance; you shall sit within the heart of it.  You have walked with Myself by many still waters and you have talked in many wheat fields with Me—rise up and greet Me now that in memory we might abide together, you and I.


I now speak to your intellects.  I take you with me into wisdoms—I give you a shepherding into sheepfolds of mysteries.  Men will ask proof:  What is size?  What is time?  What is space?  Harken to My logic; I bequeath you reasoning. Know that the Father’s universe has no such thing as size for size has a quality of measurement by comparison and that which is great seems large to the earthly.  It has no meaning but you shall have the wisdom to give that perspective and definition unto your brother.  Know that I think only in projection of thought—I need no time and I need no space.  Space transcends size, yet I say it comes not alike to all created order.  You perceive that you are “men”, that your stature has a “size”.  Some perceive your “size” to be “small”, but I ask you if you would greater profit if you stood high as the mountain?

Know that you are greater than mountains in that you have power to manifest in thought, and it bears you out among the planets; you can know the far stars and you can see them in their shining.
Men say, “We think, therefore we ARE!”  NO!  YOU ARE, THEREFORE YOU “THINK”.

You ascend unto visions.  You have concepts of Reality; they who come of other orders ascend to no such vision; their concepts are but instincts.  Great minds are great pictures.  You are still witnessing in full flower the ongoing and climaxing of a war of more than a millennium between the two most bitter enemies on earth.  It is the war between Russia and the Khazars.  And, dear ones, how many of you have even the vaguest notion of who or what are Khazars?

The kingdom of the Khazars vanished from the map of the world many centuries ago, but their impact is greater this day than in any prior time segment.  Today most people have never even heard of them or their land, so you need not bow your head in embarrassment.  If you do not continue and then follow up with a bit of research to prove my words unto self—then bow your head in embarrassment before God who would delight in seeing you of his creations come into truth.  In its day the Khazar Kingdom was a very major power indeed, holding sway over a large empire of subjugated peoples.  It had to be reckoned with by the two neighboring superpowers of that day.  To the south and west of Khazaria, the Byzantine Empire was in full flower with its Eastern Orthodox Christian civilization.  To the southeast, the Khazar Kingdom boarded on the expanding Moslem Empire of the Arab Caliphs.  The Khazars influenced the histories of both of these other empires but, far more importantly, the Khazar Kingdom occupied what was later to become a southern portion of Russia between the Black and Caspian Seas.  Look it up “V” and Dad!  These are not “SECRETS”, this information we bring is State Department and Congressional Record filings.  You have not looked these facts up for your selves!  As a result, the historical destinies of the Russians and the Khazars became intertwined in ways which have persisted down to the present day.
I suggest that if you have trouble with this information and also in locating information regarding these people, you should get a book by a British writer/historian about the Khazars.  Arthur Koestler, THE 13TH TRIBE—THE KHAZAR EMPIRE AND ITS HERITAGE.  Look it up   !  Do not simply take the word of a ghost writer from the fourth dimension—do your own homework.


The Khazars were derived from a mixture of Finns, Turks and Mongols.  The latter is important when considering the projections of one Nostradamus, as to the anti-Christ.  As early as the third century AD, they were identifiable in constant warfare in the areas of Persia and Armenia.  Later, in the 5th century, the Khazars were among the devastating hordes of Attila, the Hun.  Around 550 AD, the nomadic (“wanderers”) Khazars began settling themselves in the area around the northern Caucasus between the Black and Caspian Seas.  When it is said, “The White Devil”, in referencing White People, the term is derived from Khazar Barbarians, who settled the “Caucasus” mountain region.  This 13th tribe of so-called wandering “Jews” was well known way back then, that they were the resident evil amongst humanity.  Nothing has changed except their name.  Now they are labeled “God’s chosen”.  Indeed, is the serpent snake not unlike his cunning father, the devil??  The adversary to God-liness ALWAYS HIDES IN THE CLOAK OF INNOCENCE!  The wolf in sheep’s clothing is their thing.  Always be diligent, evil never sleeps!  But it cannot exist in the presence of the Light.  Keep thy shielding tightly around you.  And always ask identification of ANY energy forms contacting you.  God wins in the end, dear ones, even the conspirators know that!  The Khazar capital of Itil was established at the mouth of the Volga River, where it emptied into the Caspian in order to control the river traffic.  The Khazars then extracted a toll of 10% on any and all cargo which passed Itil on the river.  Ah yes, tax ways all the way to the 5th century.  Anyone who refused to pay the tax (toll) was immediately attacked and slaughtered—not greatly different from today.  (Your I.R.S. is not of your Federal government—the same Khazar tribe, of false Judean Hebrews, is stripping America of your resources and material wealth.  Recognize WHO the enemy is, and put a stop to the money grab, before you are foreclosed on as a nation and as a people.)

With their kingdom firmly established in the Caucasus, the Khazars gradually began to create an empire of subjugated peoples.  Other tribes, who were comparatively peaceful, were promptly attacked and conquered.  They then became attached as portions of the Khazar Empire, required to pay tribute continually to the Khazar kingdom and to the Khazar coffers.

This is not different in concept for all conquered peoples have had to give tribute to the conquering empire, but I assure you, not in the manner of the Khazars.  The so-called great empires of the world always gave something in return for the tribute they extracted.  Rome, for example, made citizens of those they conquered, and in return for the taxes they levied they brought civilization, order and protection against attack from would-be invaders.

Jonur break here, please.  Have respite and nourish the body.  We will continue with the history of who the Khazars are, and where they came from in Chapter 2 of this new JOURNAL:  REBIRTH OF THE PHOENIX, FROM THE ASHES COME THE FLEDGLING BIRD OF TRUTH.  Let us also cover correspondence at the next session, for we have much to catch up on.

Hatonn moving to stand-by frequency.