Thursday, July 28, 2011

New Series 55: Man lives in two worlds at the same time when you are separated from God, the INVISIBLE world and the VISIBLE one. Your invisible body is the real “you”; your visible body of flesh, blood, bone and brain is the thing you use as a tool to get around in the compressed physical world. This physical world is the place where time and space are manifested by God to give you an environment where you can act out your intentions.

7/11/11 from HATONN/jonur (ns55)

Commander Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, leader of The Hosts of “Heaven” (or “Sky”, as originally translated in your Holy Bible) and sent by God of light to walk His people through these so-called “Last Days”.

May I first say that there are no endings nor beginnings in all of Aton’s Creation.  The entire universe (“uni” meaning “one”, and “verse” meaning “song”) is eternal, with periods of rest as all things come back into the ONENESS with God.

Everything moves in SPIRALS, the vortex or “tornado” whirlpool effect of motion.  Creation is a CURVED CONDITION of wheels within wheels, and everything moves in spirals.

You are either winding up or unwinding in your direction of unfolding.  You are either coming out from God or you are coming back, fulfilling your journey of experience and lessons learned.

You are ETERNAL.  GOD is ETERNAL.  Man is playing in a game called life, his soul is immortal—it lives forever.  The body of man seemingly dies, it does not.  However, it does pass out of your ability to see it for the other half of its cycle.  Remember, unfolding and re-folding, winding and unwinding?  This is also called COMPRESSION and EXPANSION; compressed “nothingness”, if you will, condenses into visible seeing “mass”.  That is how things appear and disappear in Nature.  “Nature” IS The Creation; all that can be seen and perceived by the physical senses, on Earth or in space, belongs to the compressed half of the compression/expansion cycle.


In-breathing CHARGES or compresses “life”.  Exhaling DISCHARGES bodies and expands, or radiates, life back into the ethers where it will again be compressed back into “life” to again experience.

Bicycle pumps work like that; they compress seeming nothingness into a small space, and then POWER and MOTION can be expressed.  A tire can be filled with air which now can do work.  It can carry a man on a hundred-mile journey in a tiny fraction of the time it takes if he were to make the journey on foot.  Get a bigger tire and he can haul thousands of tons of steel across the country, impossible with bare hands and feet.

This concept is what Creation and life is.  You compress to be in the “here and now” of time and space—which is really an illusion anyway; God is STILLNESS and does not move, yet He is EVERYWHERE—there is no time nor space.



In a dream a person can travel to the farthest desert, or sail huge ocean expanses, with virtually no lapse in “time” except for a moment.  Is that not true?  Would it not take weeks and months to do that in the physical world of “here and now”?

Or how about size?  From the perspective of you in the dream, can you not “stand” anywhere or be any size that allows you to witness whatever you are seeing or doing?  There is no limit to the amount or “size” of the buildings and mountains—or whatever—all fits quite nicely in the picture, doesn’t it?

Within the dream, do you understand that time and space equals zero?  The only difference between a dream that seems to last a minute or two, and your current life stream of the here and now, is about a hundred years—and that ain’t average, my friend!



Man lives in two worlds at the same time when you are separated from God, the INVISIBLE world and the VISIBLE one.  Your invisible body is the real “you”; your visible body of flesh, blood, bone and brain is the thing you use as a tool to get around in the compressed physical world. This physical world is the place where time and space are manifested by God to give you an environment where you can act out your intentions.  Good intentions or bad, man was given Free Will Choice to see what he would do with that AND to LEARN HOW TO BE LIKE GOD; for when you do come back home, you will KNOW FROM EXPERIENCES—AND CONSEQUENCES FROM THOSE EXPERIENCES—the difference between right and wrong.  You see, God is not a mystery.  Man, in an attempt to rule over his fellow man, creates the complex and convoluted explanations; that way he gets to be the greedy pastor or priest.

You need no one to tell you right from wrong.  God gave every soul birthed (We will not get into Replicas and Synthetic “clones”, as you erroneously label the process of DNA/RNA REPLICATION, at this moment, but we will cover it shortly, for it is imperative that man knows what bad boys the CIA have been in this field of covert research!) the ability and the knowingness to discern what is “good” and what you should not do because it is “bad”.

For example:  A child sneaks a cookie from the cookie jar because it knows it may spoil his dinner, or whatever, but the soul KNOWS it is an error in judgement.  The same with murder, the soul—YOUR SOUL—will not let you get away with killing someone.  YOU know it is an error in judgment.  There are all varying degrees of “error”; all crimes and transgressions are not the same.  HOWEVER, GOD HAS CAPABILITY OF DISCERNING INTENT.  JUDGMENT DAY IS RESERVED FOR GOD AND YOU ALONE (but some of us will sort of be there to help you out).  Remember Jesus on the cross?  “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.”  The Christ, however, did not come to Earth to remove ANYONE’S sins (errors).  He merely came to be an example, to show man The WAY, and to prove to you that there is no such thing as death.  No more and no less.


They know who they are and the role they play in your illusion of physical experience.  The Khazar “Jews” have a different god that they pray to, and his name is Lucifer.  When the confrontation finally comes between good and evil, if you will, Lucifer will then become “Satan”.

The Serpent People are waiting for this, and they have set much store aside for that hour.  However, let it not worry you.  If you dwell within The Promise of The Lord, you cannot be afraid.  No darkness can stand in the presence of the light.  Since light IS truth, you hold in your hands that which you need to stand against anything.  The Jews of Gog from the land of Magog, who are today’s Zionist Khazars, must operate from the position of secrecy because that is their way.

They also must give you a lie, even if truth would, in fact, serve their plans better, because that, too, is their way.  After all, they “are like their father the Devil, for there is no truth in them” (John 8:44).  Therefore, expose their evil and manipulative schemes, and refuse to have any more to do with the things that are not of God.  The Zionist media is trying to teach the children and the youth Lucifer’s commandments, not God’s Laws.  Remember that Jesus is being removed from public places and institutions.  The Ten Commandments are removed from the courthouses, which leaves only the Devil’s influence, does it not???

My goodness, how much more will you Christ-people (Christians) take before you demand a RETURN to Christ and God in your lives?!  Do you not see that “the absence of God” in your business affairs and your Judicial System is WHY you fell so far from grace in the first place?

This nation was founded under God AS A CHRISTIAN—MEANING GOD- CENTERED—NATION.  Hold that in your hearts and you will preserve your world, for you are the hope of the planet.  So be it.  Hatonn moving to standby.


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