Tuesday, October 20, 2020

New Series 273: While all this is happening, the “UFO and ALIEN QUESTION” is still the primary focus behind the scenes. Extraterrestrial invaders will ultimately be blamed for all your planet’s problems. This will be the new “Communists” your nations will go to war against! However, it will be a hoax, as you have no enemies coming from space.

         7/28/2020 from Hatonn/jonur (ns273)

Good morning, Hatonn present in service and Light.  As we continue with the discussion about this man-made PLAGUE, that is sweeping your globe, it is important to remember that this is part of the New World Order’s depopulation agenda!

While all this is happening, the “UFO and ALIEN QUESTION” is still the primary focus behind the scenes.  Extraterrestrial invaders will ultimately be blamed for all your planet’s problems.  This will be the new “Communists” your nations will go to war against!  However, it will be a hoax, as you have no enemies coming from space.

It is very HUMAN adversaries, who will be holding America—and the rest of the world—hostage!  The clues are all around you, with the creation of a “U.S. Space Force”, and the multitude of space systems being put into Earth orbit.  Your governments have all but come clean, as to THEIR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of visitors from afar now in your skies.  However, God’s HOSTS are YOUR allies so you of His People will be in security!




… As Mike Adams warns in this new story at Natural News titled “Weaponized Coronavirus invades the USA as world panics over possible pandemic”, the next wave of attack against humanity has just been unleashed.  And with globalists like Gates long saying the world is overpopulated [Hatonn:  Echoing the words of the evil puppet, Henry Kissinger, who was put in charge DECADES AGO of orchestrating this depopulation plan] and vaccines might help lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent, can we really put it past them to create something to help them accomplish their goals?

 A bioengineered, weaponized viral strain.

What seems obvious from the rapid adaption of this viral strain which has now achieved “human-to-human transmission”—is that it has been engineered as a self-replicating weapon system to achieve the globalists’ depopulation goals.

The long incubation period that seems to be presently observed allows this viral strain to spread in “stealth” mode, largely undetected until its payload fully activates.  The longer the incubation period, the more people are infected and become silent carriers (who may not even know they are infected).

Currently this coronavirus is believed to have a low fatality rate, something less than 5%.  However, this may change as the viral strain adapts or is altered through transgenic effects emerging from exposure to other circulating viral strains.  In other words viral strains can, in certain vases, recombine their proteins to create whole new strains.  All this virus needs is to encounter a more deadly “payload” and incorporate that genetic sequence into its own.

The bottom line?  Humanity is now under serious threat from these engineered bioweapons.  They are fully resistant to known antibiotics, [H:  EXCEPT COLLOIDAL SILVER!  This natural “antibiotic” activates and enhances your body’s own immune system, which is fully capable of fighting off any dis-ease.  AIDS/HIV is also a man-created RETROVIRUS.  It was created in 1952 in your U.S. Pentagon—UNDER ORDERS RIGHT OUT OF ISRAEL!] making them “superbugs” for which there is no known conventional treatment.  This will inevitably cause many people to turn to colloidal silver, chlorine dioxide, essential oils and other natural cures, since natural medicine is the only system of medicine that can stop these engineered bio-weapons.  Which remedy works best against this particular strain, however, is entirely unknown [H:  It is the metal colloids—SILVER, COPPER, GOLD, AND TITANIUM—that God Himself has provided for His children—that will see you through these “End Times”.  Remember, Aton/God has a PLAN 2000, too!] , and if you are afflicted with this coronavirus, you should seek out immediate help from a naturopathic physician.  If the CDC [H:  Center for Disease Control, this organization and others like it, are the ones infecting you the people in the first place!  It is important to understand, that the instrument of your destruction—IS THE SO-CALLED “ESTABLISHMENT!  There is a systematic plan in place, dedicated to the killing-off of BILLIONS OF PEOPLE—RIGHT NOW!  This is not a new plan; the planning has been in place longer than you have recorded history.  However, now you have your “Star Wars” technology, which Tesla gave you for peaceful purposes—OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO!!  So of course man can create his own Armageddon without any help, what so ever, from God.] gets their hands on you, they will likely deprive you of any access to natural medicine while they take biopsies and blood samples, turning you into a human lab rat and imprisoning you under Obama-era Ebola quarantine rules.

With the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 being the deadliest in history [H:  Again, I repeat—MAN IS DOING THIS TO MAN—NOT GOD!  This pandemic, too, was a bio-weapon, the same as Small Pox was to the Native American population when infected blankets were distributed to the Aboriginals.  And as the Blacks were DELIBERATELY INFECTED with syphilis and other diseases.  Now it is all you little Christ-ians, who are on the executioner’s list!  Is it not time to call upon your Lord, who came before you?] , infecting an estimated 500 million people worldwide—about one-third of the planet’s population—and killing an estimated 20 million to 50 million victims, including some 675,000 Americans, and this new coronavirus apparently killing people at the same ‘rate’, as ‘Cat Ellis’ reported in this new story at the Organic Prepper.  We serve our families and loved ones best by never panicking and returning to common sense practices that we should be doing whatever ‘something nasty comes around’, including preparing to ‘bug in’ if absolutely necessary.

What can you do?  Here are some things you can do to be proactive without panicking.

Take all the same precautions as you would for a cold or flu.  [H:  The “flu” can be given to you by E.L.F. (Extremely Low Frequency) radio waves!  This IS the Star Wars plan in full operation.  It would truly boggle the mind to see the technology your secret government has perfected over the last hundred years.  This is WHY your adversary can deceive the masses.  They can show you things that will appear to be “magic”, and yet, it is nothing more than the fruits of “Top Secret” so-called “Black Projects”, hidden from all you taxpayers.  Do you not wonder “why all the secrecy” if your relations with your neighbors should unite under a Global Community?  And believe me, the United Nations is not your friend!  In the next document we will go over the next step, in your disarmament phase, in this New World Order.  As these all are PLANNED happenings, you will see the timing of events coincide with each other.  We are affording at pointing out the “puzzle pieces”, so you can begin to have vision to what is coming.]

  • Get plenty of rest
  • Eat a healthy diet with plenty of Vitamin C and D3

[H:  A good mix of all the vitamins you can get your hands on, especially the B complex.]

  • Avoid crowds (malls, stadiums, air ports, etc.) and closed population(s) (prisons, dormitories, nursing homes, any place with re-circulated air)
  • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap
  • Avoid touching your face
  • Get ready for extended bug-in

If this disease continues to spread and become deadly as it is transmitted around the globe, you may wish to do a Self-Imposed Reverse Quarantine (SIRQ).  This is where you voluntarily separate yourself from others until you know it is safe outside your borders.

I have included detailed instruction on how to implement a SIRQ during a pandemic in my book, Prepping for a Pandemic.  In it, you will find even more information specific to coronaviruses and preparing for all sorts of pandemics.

Keep in mind that pandemics can last for a long time.  You’ll want to start improving your food storage, water supplies, and any medical supplies and medications you may need for an extended period.

Both Infowars.com and Mike Adams from [online: naturalnews] warn that something very sinister may be at play.  Check them out.


Indeed!  Something very sinister is going on, and it has been in the planning—FOR DECADES!  We do not bring “fortune telling, nor “future predictions”, this is what is being laid out for mankind’s destruction!  Let us begin the next Chapter, please.  Hatonn to clear.  Salu.

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