Wednesday, February 2, 2022

New Series 276: As you move into this New World Order it should become evident that the way things “used to BE”, is no more. The evil conspirators have PLANNED for this day many centuries ago, and you did not even know that such a group of “humans” were here on the planet with you.

                                    1/16/2021 HATONN/jonur (ns276)

Good morning, Hatonn present to commune in the Radiance of God, Amen.  As you move into this New World Order it should become evident that the way things “used to BE”, is no more.  The evil conspirators have PLANNED for this day many centuries ago, and you did not even know that such a group of “humans” were here on the planet with you.  After all, why would God set His people up at such a great disadvantage?  It does not seem fair, does it?  Well, God never said He was fair, He said He was a “Just God”.  However, it was YOU who allowed this to happen to this Garden of Eden gifted unto you by grace.  You invited evil within your Paradise, and allowed yourselves to be fooled.

There have been MANY, who have told you that it would be this way, but instead of heeding the warnings man chose to ignore the Messengers—Angels—and even kill the Truth bringers because what they brought was  not pleasing to the ears.  And now that Day of Atonement is upon you!  Who will hear The WORD today?


There have been many clues and SIGNS that a great show is coming to humanity, and it will come from the skies.  All of your ancient cave paintings and “religious” scribblings on stone and clay tablets allude to THE FACT that your beginnings came from SPACE.  The stars and planets have their names today, because of your remembering from whence you came.  Planets and the stars of heaven that birthed them—ARE THE “MANY MANSIONS” that GOD HAS PREPARED FOR YOU IN HIS KINGDOM.  What have YOU allowed to happen to this beautiful blue-green emerald that now radiates almost no spiritual light?  When God does show up where will you be in this journey? Following the Laws of God and the Laws of the Creation?  Or perhaps, totally oblivious to what you will be given to witness, and run in panic and fear—on cue—as the adversary closes his trap on humanity?

And it will be THE HIDDEN TECHNOLOGY that will be man’s ultimate downfall.  But it does not have to be.  Just as with the puppet show, the strings you do not “see”, being manipulated with Unseen Hands, are creating a false reality for you to follow.  But you are no longer babies following a fairy tale narrative, the puppet “strings”, must be much more sophisticated to fool the “adult”.  This is WHY the conspirators spend a great deal of time, money, and energy, to keep the masses ignorant and distracted by nonsense.  This is WHY your educational institutions have failed your children, and their children’s children.  You have been “conditioned” or “brain washed” into believing anything the evil ones put in front of you.

Do you not see that SOMETHING is afoot?  That you are being readied, systematically, by your own government and military Command for something big?  That’s what “the big secret” is all about.  Have you never pondered what “they” are REALLY hiding at Area-51 in Nevada’s desert underground in those facilities?  It seems the Russians and the Chinese already know what’s going on—so why the big secret from you the people of America?

Well, for starters, that is not YOUR BASE anymore.  Quietly, your nation has been given over to the adversary, while you watched the football games, and fake “reality” television shows.  Almost all of your bases have now been reconfigured to move against United States citizens.  The New World Order is not a “new thing”, the planning goes back long before God allowed the Americas to be “discovered”.  Your nation was to be The Last Stand, if you will, against this day in Earth/Shan history.  The Native Aboriginals (Indians) knew this was coming, and through their ancient Oral Traditions told you these incredible things would come to pass.  This was done by The Bird Tribes, in that you might heed the warnings and prepare.  It was also hoped that Christianity, the Great White Brotherhood, might stand against the forces of Lucifer that set up this world take-over grab.  But instead, you just shot the Indians, didn’t you?  My, my—there are a lot of atonements for you ones to answer for, it seems.



And you didn’t bother to ask your Indian Brethren, you just broke EVERY TREATY AND PUSHED THEM INTO SMALLER PIECES OF THEIR LAND, so you could dig the tunnels that would house the facilities of the coming world take-over. These massive, deep Underground Military Facilities are interconnected by an incredible network of railway and SUBMARINE tunnels that not only cover your nation, but extend off-shore under your ocean.  National Geographic did not tell you about that, when you were growing up, did they?

Just as the “Native Peoples” saw your airplanes, guns, and technology, and marveled at their “magic” capabilities, so now will you “civilized folk” be in great awe at what your satanic adversary will demonstrate before YOU!  Why do you really suppose UFOs and Aliens are classified as ABOVE TOP SECRET, and “cover-up” has become the order of the day?  God and His magnificent HOSTS WHO COME FROM AFAR can put Satan’s toys and craft in check, of course.  However, if you have been PROGRAMMED to believe that only evil comes from the Cosmos then you will run in terror at the mere sight of an “UFO”.  In fact, you will be shooting at us on that day and will deny God, just as Peter did at Jesus’ capture and trial!  Do you not SEE the PLAN 2000 unfolding as is written for you to follow?

All the diseases, EXPLOSIONS, famine, and wars, will be blamed on invading aliens come to devour and enslave you.  Is that not a worthy adversary for so-called civilized and enlightened man to contend with?  Indeed, it is!  This is an exciting time for humanity, knowing God did not—and never has—abandoned His People.  However, you must break your bonds of self-enslavement, and look at your world as it really IS.  You who THOUGHT yourselves to be “all-knowing” really know NOTHING, only that which you have been taught falsely to believe.  Use that God-given gift of reason to know what is actually happening in your world.  God is REASON and Common Sense Law.  Utilize thy wondrous brains and see that evil rules your Earth in these so-called “Ending Times”.



It is the old story, but you ones failed to take heed.  Can it not be plainer than the one who murdered your Christ?  What more do you need as PROOF of who the Anti-Christ is? Now he is teaching you about who they want you to believe is your God!  God is not telling you that homosexuality is “OK”.  He is not telling you to go to war with your neighbor and steal his oil and land.  You have tons of your own oil, but we’ll save that for another writing, nor is God telling you to go out and get vaccines invented by Jewish “doctors”—so you can go about your happy little lives.  They killed the Christ—they now want to “finish the job” and murder Christ’s children.

The Khazar Turks, “Jews” again, NOT Hebrew Judaists which the adversary is pretending to be—have NEVER lost track of THEIR GOAL to get rid of the Godly People!  After all, is that not what Lucifer/Satan is known for throughout antiquity?  Why would he stop now, when he has all your gold, all your banks, property, and businesses?  This was the goal of the “Money Changers” of the temple.  Why else would Jesus Esu Immanuel be so upset with the Pharisees (Jews), if their scheme was not so far-reaching?

You must realize that your enemy hides right in front of you in plain sight.  But it is by his lies that you do not notice him.  The Jew is behind all your politics, and foreign and military policy.  All the “drug companies” are owned and operated by Jews—do you honestly believe they want to prolong the lives and make healthy forever more—THEIR enemy?!  It is written for all to see—if you but look—that their “Bible” says to kill Christians—GOY—any way they can—especially by DISEASE!  That is WHY Jews are the “doctors”, and own ALL HOSPITALS.  And, they are all your “lawyers”, so they can steal your property after they have done away with you.

How can the people who went through the so-called “Holocaust”—WHAT EVER THE NUMBERS WERE—END UP OWNING EVERYTHING IN YOUR WORLD?  Is there not something very wrong in the story YOU were told about Hitler’s Germany??  By the way, Hitler was a Jew!  Moses Horowitz (M. Howard from “The Three Stooges” a Jew) who does a remarkable Hitler impersonation, and the Fuehrer himself, do not in any way resemble a tall, blond, blue-eyed Nordic do they?  So, who really is that “Master Race” everyone wonders about?  The clues have always been there, dear friends.  You will also find that the number were fabricated FOR POLITICAL REASONS, as to those killed in gas chambers—and they were Hebrews and German P.O.W.s—not Khazar “Jews”!  Is this not real James Bond intrigue, and under cover trickery?!

Jonur let us break here that you may attend family responsibilities.  We will next discuss your current politics—AND SECOND CIVIL WAR—the Jews have set up for your Christian Nation.  Also, we need to tell you what is REALLY in those PRE-PACKAGED vaccines.  Micro-chips and slow poisons have been developed as per “666”, and the electronic “Mark of the Beast” for coded identification, just as has been long written for you to follow.

Hatonn to clear frequency.  May the Light of REASON guide thy future actions!

Salu and Amen, for God is within and all you need do is commune and ask for assistance.  For INFORMATION is allowed to be given by The HOSTS to all who but ask!

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