Friday, February 28, 2020

New Series 265: To know what is coming and feel you can do nothing about your plight, is a terrible thing for any of God’s People. Because mainly, it is in imagining the loved ones and family, who will suffer and perish, as the Armageddon script plays itself out, that causes the most grief and pain to the soul (heart). And yet, it is not all doom and gloom, for out of the ashes must come the Phoenix of re-birth and cleansing, that life begins anew. This is why the lessons are important, in that those who seek to know how to survive the coming tribulations, will have their way prepared, and light shown upon thy path.

1/25/2020 from HATONN/jonur (ns265)

Good morning, Commander Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn/Aton present to work on our JOURNAL.  As always, I come in service unto Holy God, and The Creation.  It is indeed most difficult to sit to write, when the scribe/translator can see the writing on the wall.  Since we have been at it for more than three decades of your counting, it is most disheartening to watch the prophecies unfold, as it was written.  Both in your Biblical Scrolls and Texts, and these RECORDS of your circumstance as Earth man experiencing “The Last Days”.

To know what is coming and feel you can do nothing about your plight, is a terrible thing for any of God’s People.  Because mainly, it is in imagining the loved ones and family, who will suffer and perish, as the Armageddon script plays itself out, that causes the most grief and pain to the soul (heart).  And yet, it is not all doom and gloom, for out of the ashes must come the Phoenix of re-birth and cleansing, that life begins anew.  This is why the lessons are important, in that those who seek to know how to survive the coming tribulations, will have their way prepared, and light shown upon thy path.

We cannot force any to heed these instructions, or study these sacred Truths.  Each must follow his own heart and learn of the lessons at each individual’s level of understanding.  The way of the teacher, and the student, is not easy—if there was a short cut, I’d give it to you.  This is HOW man learns, by experience and wise guidance from ones who know, and have themselves learned.


You have brothers and relations in space, precious ones, and it is not a big deal.  Just as you have people who live across your boarder, and brothers who live on islands, so too, are there people and beings who dwell among the stars.  It is not that hard to understand this fact of creation.  You have sent probes into space, and even your Moon and your planets, so you KNOW they are out there.  It is not that much of a stretch of the imagination to realize that somebody might be living on one or two of those places.  Don’t you live on one, yourself??  Since most ones believe in God, do you think that you are the ONLY people He made, and gave a place to live on?  Look at all the stars you CAN see, and think of the millions and millions, you can’t but you know are out there.

Your Sun is a “star”; too, don’t you realize that?  Just because it is real close to you does not mean it is somehow “different” or special, or the only one.  All those twinkling lights are suns, some smaller than yours, others far bigger.  And guess what—all of them have “earths” around them!  As humans have kids and families, so too, do the stars of the heavens.  The only problem is some ones want to control and enslave you, so you are told there is just nobody out there.  Then you can be made to fear “The Unknown”.

Slavery is alive and well in your world today, and it is mostly done to ignorant people by those who—by circumstance—are smarter.  Being “smart”, however, does not mean you are kind hearted and benevolent.  Look at your Elite Conspirators, they are Harvard and Yale and Oxford graduates, and yet, they start world wars, poison the masses with deadly vaccines, and steal the wealth of entire nations, and leave the people to starve, and live in total poverty.  The Rothschilds and Rockefellers of the world are very smart, indeed, but they are not very nice, are they?


Now that you “civilized” folk have discovered all the “New Worlds”, and the uncharted islands, and believe you have “seen it all”, your guard is down for the tactics the Elite are going to deploy.  This is no different than any military campaign, chelas; your adversary is using your ignorance to their advantage.  Since you believe you are superior, in all your sciences and human endeavors, what can possibly topple you as “civilized man”?  Well, the ego is the first thing to go!  As you beat your chest, and proclaim victory against all potential enemies of your earth, the real enemy is being readied in secret.
Since you have no concept of ANYTHING in Truth, it is an easy task to pull the wool over thine eyes and ears.  Even that which you think of as “High Technology” is primitive compared with what your governments have in secret.  And THAT is the plan!  For how can you fool the masses if you share the secrets of life, in total, with those you wish to conquer?  It is the old magician’s trick, only now it is against an entire planet of people!

Satan has laid his plan well, and you have slept long.  The hour is at hand for the final “fast one” to be pulled.  The show and tell will be grand, indeed, and the very elect will be fooled!  But then, is that not what your Holy Bible and the ancient prophets told you?  The “Second Coming” is supposed to be spectacular, isn’t it?  So why are you surprised?  What DID you suspect anyway?  Of all the secret meetings, secret military payloads launched into space, and secret bases in the desert, SOMETHING big must be going on.  But you are not allowed to see.


The things that make your non-news networks are merely distractions, designed to keep you off balance, and ignorant about your coming plight.  While you focus your attention on stupid politics, or the antics of Hollywood “celebrities” jumping in and out of bed with each other, your nation burns to the ground!  Have you not noticed that all your morality and reverence to God has been cast aside, in favor of Satanism?

You no longer speak of your United States of America being “Founded Under God”.  Spirituality is shunned in favor of “getting likes” on Youtube, and so-called “Social Media”.  The drama of mass shootings and terror attacks, are now looked upon as “previews of coming attractions” to entertain the masses.  While the real propaganda of GUN Confiscation is quietly eased past you, and made into new laws to disarm the public citizenry.

Attacks from Space-based weapons systems, you do not know exist, start fires, trigger earthquakes and volcanos, and generate unimagined weather control and modification.  Capabilities that you THOUGHT only Mother Nature could do.  All of this was developed in secret, so as to have control of a planet and all the people living on it.  In other words, your entire reality is make believe.  You are being manipulated in the biggest and grandest MIND CONTROL PROGRAM IN THE HISTORY OF THE PLANET!  And the hope is that you do not wake up in time to put a stop to it.  It only takes a few, dear ones, to open their eyes and inform the masses of mesmerized humanity.  Because once you see the puppet strings the spell is instantly broken.

But in order to do that we have to look at each case and study The Plan in action, lest you go on being fooled by the unfolding drama.  Whether it is rat poison (FLORIDE) in your toothpaste and water supply, or staged “lone gunman” massacres, the conspirators are marching steadily on with their World Domination Plan.  And you see it not, as the global orchestration of control that it is.  As with the gain of chess it is the move that is several moves ahead that is the focus.  The ones that do not seem “connected” are all zeroing in on the one major objective.  While you fret and worry over each smaller portion, the end goal gets nearer and nearer to completion. In this case “checkmate” means the establishment of a One World Government, headed by the Anti-Christ.  And you are all but there, friends.  So be it.


The “drama” of an impeachment of a U.S. President is nothing more than that.  By tying up time and wasting energy.  Trump is forced to deal with the nonsense of the Jewish-backed attack against him and his family.  When the Khazar major media, and Hollywood (one and the same) go all out to getcha—then you MUST BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT!  This Christian and God-revering man sees the Anti-Christ at work, destroying his nation, and he is not about to lie down and play dead!  “White America” is what your country started out as, and at its core is the PROMISE of a free nation and a free people—with liberty and justice for all citizens thereof.

And that means, precious ones, to protect America’s boarders, and the guaranteed RIGHT of the people to keep and bear arms.  Each citizen has a moral AND SPIRITUAL obligation to protect your nation that owes its creation to God of Light and Truth.  President Trump is a businessman and KNOWS WAY MORE THAN YOU THINK HE DOES ABOUT HIS ADVERSARY.  And what of Israel itself?  Just as with President Obama there are certain toes that cannot be tread upon.  It will have to be you the people to realize and come to see for selves, who Israel is in totality, and then, your President (s) can rally behind you.  This is where the Kennedy family went wrong, and Trump and Obama will not make THAT mistake!

Do not let the Jews disarm America, for the United Nations mercenary army, collected from “communists” around the world, are hiding at your boarder—AND INSIDE YOUR NATIONAL PARKS (THAT IS WHY SO MANY PEOPLE JUST “DISAPPEAR”, NEVER TO BE SEEN OR HEARD FROM AGAIN.  THIS CREATES FEAR OF YOUR OWN WILDERNESS TREASURES, AND SILENCES THOSE WHO STUMBLED ACROSS THOSE FOREIGN TANKS, ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIERS, and U.N. (United Nations) “BLUE HELMET” TROOPS.  AFTER ALL, THEY DON’T WANT YOU ONES SPOILING THE SURPRISE, DO THEY?!) WAITING FOR YOU TO SURRENDER YOUR WEAPONS OF SELFDEFENSE!  If you knew they were there, not one of you would fall for the scheme.  Let us look at your brothers in New Zealand for this IS the plan for you, too!

New Zealand
The Unraveling of a Mass Murder
By Gordon Duff, with VT Staff
And Intelligence Sources
March 17, 2019
Arthur Brown’s 1968 “Not So Rock And Roll” semi-hit song  provided the backdrop for the carefully staged fully theatricalized murder “hit video” (below) with a cast of far more than we will ever know.

Are we dealing with an experienced professional assassin, a sociopath, and a “fake person” with no social media, no neighbors, no co-workers, no school friends, no records of getting weapons, a car out of thin air, a second shooter who dissolved and some very serious continuity problems in his video with some victims “pre-killed”?

Ostensibly we have a single young man, 28 (?) years old, a “Physical trainer” with tons of inherited money, who travels the world, photographs everything, is loved by everyone, and then mysteriously goes on a personal murder rampage.  

What we may have is a trained assassin, 42 years old, from a Jewish family who trained against Palestinians and served in Southern Syria and in Idlib with al Qaeda, transiting in and out of Turkey.

We also have an operation where solid intelligence sources say four women “tourists” aided in “handling and logistics” and local police counter-terrorism forces supplied a second shooter.  During his world travels as a “young man with wanderlust,” we have no school photographs, no work history, no education, no job history, another “empty person” like our Sandy Hook “shooter” and so many others.  This time he made the mistake of crossing into areas watched by Russian and Syrian intelligence, from which VT receives daily private briefings.  They know him; after all, he was supposed to murder President Assad.  Oh that? CNN failed to mention that?  

The incident itself, this time on live video, but first we will deal with Trump’s ties to the shooter who praises Trump as a defender of “white nationalism” and the fight against “invaders”.

Of course, the incident itself, police that show up late, only one shooter, one guaranteed the fame he sought and failed to get through the murder of President Assad on behalf of his Israeli handlers (Russian military intelligence sources) will now spend his life in a prison apartment.

And so we have, as in so many cases, fake mass shooters, and we have two varieties, shootings with no dead and shooters who are invariably police or security agents, who do the shootings and find hapless and insane patsies to either kill or lock up for life.  [Hatonn:  Just like the little Black boy accused of trying to blow up an airliner with “explosive underwear”, of all things!]

Shooters are always multiple, as in reports from Sandy Hook, where arrests were made but those arrested disappeared.  Let’s get on with this one and then circle back.

* * *

Jonur, let us move right along with the day’s lessons, please.

We must now pick up our pace, for the time table for war has been stepped up.  They are readying you for space aliens and their technology in the adversary’s thrust to take the planet.  Therefore, our Command is continually on “High Alert” in an effort to prevent your planet from being shaken to dust (not unlike the World Trade Center towers—all three—turning to dust before your very eyes).  So with that in mind, let us resume our examination of the missile attack on Hawaii.  God and His Heavenly HOSTS are present, dear ones; the biggest mistake you can make is to underestimate the Father’s power and abilities to transform your life.  Learn to work WITH GOD in your moment by moment communion with your Source.


The additional 35 minutes was probably due to the short time it took to find and take out the missile launch system, likely a submarine, to prevent another missile launch.  The all clear was then given to issue the additional emergency alert to Hawaii residents while covering up the nuclear attack and take down.

What adds credibility to this alternative scenario are photos of a number of UFOs seen over Hawaii 31 minutes after the second emergency alert.  [H:  Keep in mind that WE are the adversary of your adversary.  The Christian Russians ARE ON YOUR SIDE—again, not to be confused with the Anti-Christian Soviets, who are “Jewish” Zionist Khazars.  Our craft and the Russian Cosmosphere “shuttle” platforms are superior to anything your government has.  These ARE your “UFOs” seen at nuclear power plants, and other locations where there is imminent trouble.  When these incredible and massive beam systems get out of control, only our craft have the capability to stop the chain-reaction.  Even those sophisticated Cosmospheres cannot stop the frequencies that will “split the Earth like an apple”—as Nikola Tesla told you he could do A HUNDRED YEARS AGO!  And if it should come to man destroying the planet, then, is it not nice to KNOW where your way off the orb is coming from?? Rapture is not what your Holy Bible suggests, dear ones, physical bodies need a physical craft to get you up above those clouds and into security.  That is why the adversary wants you to fear ALL THINGS coming from “space”.  However, when you do that also includes God and His HOSTS in “Chariots of Fire”, whom He sends to collect HIS PEOPLE!  Open thine eyes and minds, and look to the skies—for there will come the signs you seek!  Be ready for the Lord, for it will be in the twinkling of the eye, and as the thief in the night.  What will YOU be doing?  These lessons are your passport and boarding ticket, get prepared.  God takes care of the rest!]  The photos show UFOs that display an advanced technology that may be craft belonging to a USAF (U.S. Airforce) run Secret Space Program that has broken away from Deep State control.  [H:  Could this be President Trump, and President Obama’s—(Just because a President is out of “Office”, does not mean he is vanquished from the Fray!  Mr. Obama has even more power now—now that he is free from the restrictions and compromises of a “sitting” President.  Remember Obama’s Space Program initiative?  What of Trump’s “Secret Space Force” just announced, days ago?)—Space Program that has aligned themselves with We of the HOSTS?  And by the way, “Deep State” is simply another name for the Khazar Element that runs through, and intertwines, all the nations of the world.  Through their control of your monetary system, and your vast intelligence network, the “Jews” have become the “They”—you all have come to know and fear.]

Another explanation is that the craft were extraterrestrial in origin and following a decades-long policy of secretly intervening to forestall nuclear weapons incidents, as contended by the author.  Solaris Modalis who provided the photos’ genesis.

While extraterrestrial intervention is possible, it is more likely that the highly advanced state of a USAF-run Secret Space Program was all that was needed to intervene to thwart the intended false flag attack.  In either case, the photos may explain how the incoming ballistic missile was shot down.  If our alternative scenario is correct, this raises a number of critical who, why and where questions.  As to the “who” question, both alternative news sources refer to a stealth submarine with ballistic nuclear weapons technology.  

Clearly this could only have been achieved by a nation or entity in control of submarines equipped with nuclear ballistic weapons.  The Deep State is referred to in the reports as the most likely culprit, possibly using a nation state proxy to be able to pin the blame on North Korea in a false flag event.

As to the “why” question, a possible answer lies in the December 21 Executive Order passed by President Trump to freeze the financial assets of all involved in human rights abuses and corruption in the U.S. and around the world.  By cutting off the life blood of major deep State actors and proxy groups, the U.S. Military that is the real power behind the Trump Presidency, has declared financial war against the Deep State.

Furthermore, alternative news reports of Guantanamo military prison being expanded in late December 2017, to host Deep State VIP’s detained by U.S. Special Forces, may have also been a catalyst for the Deep State to react.

It’s very possible that the Deep State responded to these recent developments by launching a nuclear weapons attack against Hawaii, which hosts the largest concentration of U.S. military assets anywhere in the world.  If so, it is fortunate that the attack was thwarted and the culprits taken out, most likely by antigravity spacecraft belonging to a secret Space Program.
[H:  Indeed!  What else does your government have left, that is worthy of keeping secret!?  And so, you DO have craft of your own to present for the show-and-tell of you-the-people.  HOWEVER, THESE ARE “MOCK CRAFT”, REPLICAS—they do not have the capabilities of We of The HOSTS of God!  We monitor and track ALL Earth-manufactured craft.  Ever since your “X-Planes”—our ships began paying attention to your activities.  Because NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN SPACE is a no-no!  And only then are we allowed to “take them out”.  However, in certain circumstances, we will intervene to protect OUR people.  For instance, if for no other reason, but to protect President Obama’s home state of Hawaii, we will step in.  Also, when the world—PARTICULARLY BLACK AMERICANS—pray earnestly for the Lord to watch over THEIR President.  Do you not believe God hears you??  But of course He does!  You are His children, for heaven’s sake.  Does not the Father care for His own??  So be it!]

This raises the question of whether there might be future “false flag” attacks by Deep State assets to initiate major regional conflagration and a possible World War III.  [H:  This is what we have been writing and telling you about for decades.  THE PANIC PROJECT—this final World War is not going to be thy brethren across the border.  It is going to be against, exactly what President Reagan announced to the WORLD, at the United Nations!  “…An enemy from outer space…”, and defense there of!  However, YOU HAVE NO ENEMIES IN SPACE OUT HERE!  The “aliens” will be of your own government’s manufacturing, and the UFOs will be your hidden, secret technology, stored and readied for this exact purpose!]  Such a possibility was alluded to by the anonymous whistleblower, Q Anon, who posted a cryptic warning on January 14 that implied the Hawaii event was one of a major false flag events  x.  [H:   Imagine the “events” in this secret war that does NOT make it to the public’s attention! Therefore, it is our intention to bring to light that which is necessary for you to know.  They cannot trap you if you recognize what is before you!]  On January 16, a New York Times report referred to another false alarm.  This time in Japan where residents were warned by a major TV broadcaster to take shelter from an incoming ballistic missile:
Japan’s public broadcaster on Tuesday accidentally sent news alerts that North Korea had launched a missile and that citizens should take shelter—just days after the government of Hawaii had sent a similar warning to its citizens.  [H:  Learn to see BEHIND the scenes.]  Could the Hawaii and Japan false alarms be the first two attempts at major false flag events orchestrated by the Deep State that have been thwarted by the U.S. military and its “off-world” allies?  [H:  This is SPACE COMMAND, I HATONN, am the leader of the HOSTS, as Nostradamus and others have told you of our presence around your planet.  “Jesus” rides with me, and the Christ IS MY COMMANDER.  We are here to assist Him, in this, your “Second Coming”.  I repeat, the Ascension is not like you have been told!  I, Hatonn, have over A MILLION CRAFT AT MY COMMAND—God did not abandon His people!]

It’s also possible that what really happened on January 13 (and Jan 16 in Japan) including the mainstream media explanation of human error, may have been intended as a threat to the U.S. military and Trump Administration to step back from the financial war and the extraction of Deep State VIPs taken to Gitmo.  It’s hard to imagine the U.S. military and Trump backing down after their initiatives in late December 2017, especially if there really was a missile attack against Hawaii.  The possibility of potential False Flag military attacks orchestrated by the Deep State gives powerful incentive to government authorities to cover up what really happened on the morning of January 13 and possibly also to Japan on January 16.

The possible involvement of a Secret Space Program, most likely acting alone or with extraterrestrial assistance, in thwarting false flag attacks on Hawaii and/or Japan provides confidence that future false flag attacks using conventional military technologies are unlikely to succeed.
Was the “nuclear launch” real?
The following is thus far urban myth, but people should be aware of it because it could be true, and is certainly plausible.  If a submarine was destroyed, it is overwhelmingly probable for it to have been Israeli.  I have a way to know if this story is true.  Israel should have THREE dolphin 2 submarines in 2018.  If the years go on and they can only show two, one of them just bit the dust.  The Dolphin 2 submarines have air independent propulsion, which gives them a range and endurance second only to a nuclear submarine.  One of these could have made it to Hawaii, especially with clandestine surface support.  The possible submarines are:  Dolphin, Leviathan, Tekamah, Tannin, Rahav and Dakar (not yet commissioned) with the last three having a very large air independent range.  People ought to be able to confirm one missing by keeping an extended (years’ long) eye on Israeli naval bases.  Once again, the above cannot be confirmed true, but it is intriguing to say the least.  Keep an eye on Israel’s subs.  Here’s an interesting post on this topic.  I’d have to say I agree.  [H:  As we continue, keep in mind that the Israeli Mossad—the most terrorist orientated “intelligence agency”, in your world today—has as their motto:  “Thou Shalt Make War By Way Of Deception”!]

I live on Maui.  The ‘oops’ Hawaii ballistic missile alert just doesn’t add up.  Think about your job.  Imagine the biggest f** up that you could possibly commit.  A f** up that doesn’t damage your workplace or harm anyone that you work with, or outside of work, but a MASSIVE f** up none the less.  Something that would get you immediately fired and or put in prison even.  What would it take for you to f** up that bad at your job??  Would it even be possible?  Is it something so easily done that would have such catastrophic effects?  Is it something so simple as hitting a wrong button and setting an alert to a million plus people?  I’m sorry but there are no buttons that are set up to do that.  I just don’t see this as a big mistake, there’s something more.  I’m not sure what but I know it wasn’t just a simple f** mistake.
A subsequent response:
Head dude was asked if he was there when it all went down.  He said no, the system is set up so that no one needs to be there.  Kind of contradicted his button pushing story.
“B.T.W., I’m on Kauai—Aloha!”
My comment:
The cover story really is rock stupid.  As if the emergency alert system has a custom “button” for a nuke attack, that automatically sends out a canned message.  And that is exactly why the purported whistleblower testimony about a submarine nuke launch is so plausible.  It is FAR MORE plausible than an idiotic “oops” story.
Missile attack on Hawaii real?
Background:  Yesterday the emergency alert system in Hawaii went off, and ended up being nothing.  PROBLEM:  A (purported) whistleblower in the Navy claims the attack was real, and was launched by the cabal from a submarine to frame Kim Jong for attacking Hawaii.  This would obviously be done to stop Trump from draining the swamp.  According to this story line, the Navy shot the nuclear missile down.  So is this real?  Anyone can make stuff up, but it is certainly plausible enough for people to be warned about.  Yesterday, January 12, an anomaly was detected off the coast of Hawaii which held off the RV release.  Today, January 13, the cabal attempted to nuke the Hawaiian Islands and put the blame on North Korea.
Sources have confirmed that the false alarm today in Hawaii was a cover story.  The attack was real.  The media had their “North Korea Attacks the Hawaiian Islands” story preemptively ready.  The cabal panicked when the attack failed.  A cover story was shortly made up and the attack was branded as a false alarm.  The Emergency Broadcast System does not lie.  Someone pressing the “wrong button” simply does not happen.  This was another cabal attempt to derail the transition process by fabricating a war.  Missile launches were detected in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Hawaii.  The launches originated from the same anomaly detected yesterday, Jan 12.  The missiles were immediately intercepted and destroyed.  The anomaly was revealed to be a nuclear stealth submarine.  The nuclear stealth submarine was located and destroyed shortly after the attempted attack.
Was there a False Flag Missile Attack on Hawaii?
The Hawaiian Islands “incoming missile” alert which was officially downgraded to a “mistake” was supposedly made due to an inattentive worker that happened during a shift change.  That explanation is total Bravo Sierra.  As I previously reported on a broadcast on The Common Sense Show Youtube channel, the process to deliver a warning of this magnitude is a 5 step process, involving two humans with keys turning the mechanism to release the information at the same time.  The key mounts are eight feet apart.  An accident is impossible.  Within hours of the event and because I was able to quickly gather information to demonstrate that the Hawaiian event was no accident, and ex-CIA Robert David Steele was able to confirm the information.
Warnings in Both Hawaii and Japan
In the video [online:] Lisa Haven also reported on this issue and she clearly states that her sources confirmed that the process to warn the public of an incoming threat is a five step process.  Not only that, Lisa reduces the odds that this was some big coincidence because the same thing happened in Japan on the following day.  When one does the work that Lisa and I do on an ongoing basis, one comes to realize that coincidences are few and far between.
I also have confirmed this five step process with multiple people including one who will go on the record, and that person is former CIA clandestine officer, Robert David Steele.  In addition, The Common Sense Show has learned that AFPAC’s warning system also broadcast the same warning at the same time and that this system is independent of the Hawaiian warning system.  The government and the Governor of Hawaii are both lying to the people!
Jonur, break here, please, in that we can get the writings more quickly to the people.  The time-table for Nuclear War I—World War III has been speeded up.  Therefore, much “instruction” as to what to look for, and how to avoid the confrontation, is forthcoming.

Hatonn moving to stand-by frequency.  Salu!

New Series 264: Remembering Christmas, continuing from the actual Holy Scripture. Let us be reminded of the reference of those craft in those traditions laid down for you to follow. The time for fairy land and magic is now passed. It is time to come into your inheritance and meet those whom you have awaited! Your adversary does not want you to awaken, before it can all be pulled down over you-the-people. This is why wars will increase, and “natural” disasters will become more wide spread across all your nation. All the parts of the Armageddon Play have been put in place—to go on cue—when the hour is decided!

 12/29/2019 from HATONN/jonur (ns264)

Remembering Christmas, continuing from the actual Holy Scripture.  Let us be reminded of the reference of those craft in those traditions laid down for you to follow.  The time for fairy land and magic is now passed.  It is time to come into your inheritance and meet those whom you have awaited!

Your adversary does not want you to awaken, before it can all be pulled down over you-the-people.  This is why wars will increase, and “natural” disasters will become more wide spread across all your nation.  All the parts of the Armageddon Play have been put in place—to go on cue—when the hour is decided!  So, let us KNOW what we will be witnessing in the skies over your cities!


As Jmmanuel was born in the stable at Bethlehem, in the land of the Jews, at the time of Herodes Antipas Tetrarch of Galilee and Perea, and while Mary lay in recovery of the birthing in the days that followed, behold, there came wise men from the Orient to Jerusalem and spoke:  “Where is the newborn king of wisdom of the Jews?  We have seen in the heavens a strong light, and from the light there was a voice which called unto us—each in our separate place, saying—“Follow the trail of the light for the king of wisdom, of the Jews, is born and will bring great wisdom unto you.”

Therefore, we have come a great distance, traveling day and night, that we might adore this new child of wisdom which comes as a promise of hope unto us.  For we have come as we were instructed from the Heavens and God provided us with a great orb of light with a great tail of light that came upon the earth in front of our path that we could find our way.  Therefore, we know this is the child which has been promised unto us for the Celestial Sons of Heaven have told us thus.  This is surely a Son of the Celestial Sons of God for none other could it be.

“He shall have the wisdom of God and shall be a Son of the Celestial Son, Gabriel.  His wisdom shall be boundless and his power will rule the spirit of men so that they may learn and serve The Creation.”

When Herod Antipas heard this, he was frightened and with him all Jerusalem, for they were afraid that the newborn child might hold and then exercise cruel power.  Therefore, Herod Antipas called together all the high priests and scribes among the people and demanded to know of them where this Jmmanuel was to be born.  They responded to him saying, “In Bethlehem, in the Jewish land; for thus it is written by the prophet Micah.  And you in the Jewish land, Bethlehem, are by no means the least amongst the towns in Judea, for out of you will come the King of Wisdom who will bring great knowledge to the people of Israel, so that they may learn about and serve The Creation.”

Thereupon, Herod Antipas called the wise men secretly and diligently inquired of them, when the strong light with the long tail had appeared in the sky.  Then he sent them out to Bethlehem saying, “Go and search diligently for the young child, and when you find him let me be informed that I can come and also revere him.”  
When they had heard Herod Antipas, they set out.—And behold, the light with the tail of light, which they had also seen in the Orient, went ahead of them, and there was singing until the light came and stood directly above the stable in which the young child was birthed in Bethlehem.  And when they saw this they were extremely filled with joy.

They went into the stable and found the child with his mother Mary and Joseph, the father.  They fell down and worshipped him and also delivered treasures which they had brought with them, of incense, myrrh and gold.  At this time there again sounded the voice from the light above saying that they should not return to Herod Antipas because he planned evil for the child.  So they returned to their country by another route.


When the wise men had departed, behold, the Celestial Son, Gabriel, appeared to Joseph saying:  “Rise and take the young child and his mother, Mary, with you and flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you, for Herod Antipas is planning to seek out the young child to kill him.  He fears that the young child might wield terrible power and sorcery.  While you are in Egypt, I will send my messenger to Herod Antipas to inform him of the truth.”

Joseph rose and took the young child and his mother, at night, and they escaped under the guidance of the Celestial Son, Gabriel, toward the descending light which fled along with them into Egypt.  They found safety and shelter and remained there until Herod Antipas had been given information which changed his heart and his fear was abated.  As it came to pass Herod Antipas saw that he had nothing to fear from the young boy, and that he was only “said” to be endowed with great wisdom and knowledge.  He ceased to feel threatened in his realm, and he said to the messenger of the Celestial Son, Gabriel that Mary, Joseph and Jmmanuel would no longer be pursued nor would they be in further danger.

At this change of events, Gabriel came again to Joseph saying, “Arise and take the young child and his mother, Mary, and move to the land of Israel; all those who wanted to harm the child will now leave the babe unharmed.”  Joseph rose and took the child and his wife, Mary, and returned to the light that had again appeared and which then led them into Israel.  The Celestial Son, Gabriel, brought them back into Galilee where they lived in the city named Nazareth, so that what had been said by the prophet would be fulfilled—“THE NAZARENE SHALL BE CALLED JMMANUEL.”


After Jmmanuel was lifted up from the Earth and when this happened no one knew where he had been taken.  Jmmanuel was let off by the metallic lighted object between North and West where the Guardian Angels had received the cords with which to measure the place for the chosen ones.

Thus, he lived for forty days and thirty-nine nights between the winds of North and West where he received the Secret of Wisdom.  Meanwhile, he spent his days with the wise Saints and God and the Guardian Angels, the Celestial Sons, who taught him the knowledge of the wisdom, the dominion of God over this human race and his Celestial Sons, the omnipotence of The Creation of the universes, and the immortality of the spirit through rebirth.

There he saw the forefathers, the saints of ancient times who were the fathers of the human race, the Celestial Sons.

From there he went north along the ends of the earth, where the metallic lights and fire vehicles fell out of the sky, or streaked through the skies, or, with singing covered with smoke and fire, soared into the spaces and then sometimes sat silently above the lands in silent, motionless cloud forms, when near unto the land masses.


There at the ends of the entire earth, he saw a great and marvelous wonder.  Here, he saw the doors of heaven open.  There were three of these doors which were opened unto him that he might see within.  As big as the area of the lifeless sea near the river Jordan did the heavenly doors radiate in its brightest Sohar.  Radiating therein the entire land of Israel was alive and true, man and animal, and everything that was there.  Inside this first heavenly door there was no hidden secret, for Sohar entered the smallest spaces of the cottages and revealed the last to be known.

Inside the second heavenly gateway there rose mighty mountains, whose tops reached into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.  Huge masses of deep snow were lying down at the foot of the mountains, and at the edge thereof another human race with brown skin built their dwellings.

The third heavenly portal revealed a land of huge dimensions, mountainous land with rivers, lakes and oceans—again therein lived another human race.

Not far from these three heavenly portals was the palace of God, the ruler of these human races, and those who had traveled from afar, the Celestial Sons and the Guardian Angels.  In his palace God ruled over the three human races created by Him, and over His following, the Celestial Sons.  He was immortal and ancient and the size of a great giant, like unto the Celestial Sons.


Within this palace of God, there appeared to Jmmanuel, two very tall men the likes of whom he had never before seen on Earth.  Their faces radiated like the sun; their eyes seemed like burning torches, and fire seemed to come from their mouths; their clothing resembled a layer of foam, and their arms were like unto golden wings.  They lived in their own world for the world of human kind had killed them.

These two men from the constellations of the seven sisters—[Pleiades directly overhead at Midnight, in November in the Northern Hemisphere.  Hence, the SOURCE of these PHOENIX JOURNALS.]—were sacred teachers, and were together with two smaller men who said that they were men from Baawl.  They said, “People have come from heaven to earth and other people have been lifted from earth into heaven.  The people that had come from heaven remained on earth for a long time and created the intelligent human race.  Behold, men crated by the Celestial Sons were very different in their own way from the other people of the earth.  They were not like man of earth but similar to the children of the angels of heaven, a different kind.  Their body was white and pale as likened to snow and red in the within as the rose bud.  Their hair was white as wool and their eyes most beautiful.  The human races shall keep their inherited beauty, and keep on creating it.  But in the course of the centuries and millennia, they shall mix with other human races of the earth and heavens in order to create with the earth people new human races, and special races, such as the celestial sons.


“Jmmanuel, you are of wisdom, created from amongst us of a Celestial Son.  With your wisdom you will make the impossible possible, and perform acts considered to be miracles by the human races.  You know the power of spirit, but beware, do not abuse it.  Your wisdom which you received through us, will serve the well-being of the human races, but the way leading thereto will be very difficult for them and for you.  You will not be recognized for that which you are and you will be renounced, for the human races are ignorant and filled with superstition and false teachers.

“The human races believe that God IS The Creation itself and not the ruler of the Celestial Sons and these human races.  The people of the Earth attribute to Him the omnipotence of The Creation and glorify Him as The Creation ITSELF.  However, God is like unto a man, like all the Celestial Sons and the human races, except He is spiritually infinitely more developed than they—more than any human creation or Celestial Son.


“You, too, Jmmanuel, they will insult as God and His inborn son, and you, too, will be made equal, in their ignorance, to The Creation.  You will be in the telling of them that they, too, can be as you but they will not be in understanding and persecute you for your generosity of truth.

“Do not heed these false teachings, because millennia will pass before the people of the human races from the Earth will be able to recognize the truth.  This will be for several reasons, one of which is that you must grow through thy initiations unto thy Godly status whereby ye shall be given thy name and full inheritance.

“Great floods of human blood shall be shed on your account, your blood as well as that of uncounted generations of human ones.  Nonetheless, fulfill your mission as the King of Wisdom, as the Son of Gabriel, the Celestial Son, for it is ordained from thy God, the One of Total Light and Wisdom—The Infinite One.  In the name of God, the Law was issued to create you so that you may serve as prophet and forerunner of wisdom to this human race and unto all new human races to come forth upon the Earth lands.

“Fulfill your mission without annoyance and do not allow for antagonization for it will be great testing that you will endure.  Ye will be unperturbed by opposition, to all lack of reason and false teachings of the scribes and Pharisees, as well as against the incredulous people.  Ye must always perform in balance and remain in inner wisdom and harmony for yours will be an example for the evolutions to come upon the human races.  Ye shall be given to grow beyond the wisdom of all human races and become ONE WITH GOD that ye will fulfill thy ultimate mission within the realms of human.

“Upon your fulfillment of your mission, centuries and two millennia shall have passed before the truth of your wisdom is brought forth amongst the people and shall be recognized and spread by some ones of the people of the human races.  These appointed and consecrated ones shall have also been trained and taught by the Celestial Sons in the realms of God.  They shall be daring and dedicated above all others that their missions also be fulfilled in perfection and the proper sequence of time portions.

“Not before the time when machines project themselves into the sky of the human, will truth break through, and false teachings will slowly become most unstable and shaky, namely that you are the Son of God or The Creation.  For you will be recognized as the Son of Celestial Sons and will become One WITH God and WITHIN The Creation.


“This will be the time that we, the Celestial Sons, will begin to reveal ourselves anew to the human races because they will have become knowing and will threaten the order of Heaven with the power they will have gained.  But they will be arrogant and ignorant and unable to contain the foolish power they will have discovered and will threaten annihilation and decimation of the entire Earth through their evil tinkering.”

Thusly they spoke, the Celestial Sons, between North and West, before they brought Jmmanuel in the metallic light orb back into Israel in the land of Galilee.

* * *

Now this is what a “UFO” abduction case is, from God and His HOSTS!  No kidnapping, no animal mutilations, no force, no drama—it is your own CIA and covert government operations, who present otherwise!

The intent is to panic the world with a STAGED EXTRATERRESTRIAL INVASION FROM SPACE!  And the PLAN is to do it during Jmmanuel’ “Jesus” return to your place.  This is why you have to learn and understand the capabilities, and INTENTION of this Elite group of Zionist conspirators.  World domination is their goal—which means the destruction of Christ-ianity!   So, as you can see, the so-called “UFO Question” goes back to the time of Christ, and before.

It is time to step out of the ILLUSION of reality, and face REALITY ITSELF!  Fairy tale time is over. You must be responsible humans, coming into thy inheritance.

Hatonn moving to stand-by, Salu.