12/18/2019 from HATONN/jonur (ns262)
Good afternoon. Commander Hatonn present in the Light of Holy God Aton. Amen and Salu!
Let us continue with our correspondence from New Zealand, please. Thank you, Jonur, for your service. It is, indeed, difficult. However, the things of Man and of God that is worth having—ARE NOT EASY!
Now, you are entering the “Armageddon Script” just as they have laid down for you. The Mongol Hordes are amassed, and they are armed to the teeth to bring down your Christian Nation! It is not the Chinese People, it is the Khazar Overlords, who hate and despise you. Just as with the “Soviets”, the vanquished Soviets, will also march against the Christian world! Who did you think the Anti-Christ would be?? The United Nations, a JEWISH LEGION, will be giving the marching orders!
Man has the right to PUNISH; however, he does NOT have the right to EXECUTE. Only God has that right! You did not CREATE that life; therefore, man has not the right to KILL another. But it is a handy way for the Elite to get rid of THEIR ENEMIES. The real criminals to society never face the gallows, for their crimes against humanity. This is the topic of today’s “What’s Trending”.
Back to China, the largest army in the world is mobilized to bring down, and invade you Christians—and you know not the REAL REASON! Satan runs the governments of the world. And he will utilize those resources for all out control of the planet itself!
Being a “Businessman”, President Trump KNOWS what is really behind the coming onslaught against Christianity. It is not based on that which you are being told. Remember, “THE JEWISH HARVEST” IS WAR! Any way they can, the Khazars thirst for war against the Christian World! That means killing Christians any way you can! However, the appearance will be some FAKE CONFLICT, contrived by your adversary.
The laws and treaties are planned that WAR is the only and final solution to the world’s problems. Yet, it is the Khazar elite who are telling you THEIR VIEW of world events. They are the “Hollywood Magicians” who wrote the script you are to follow. Just as with the movies you are programmed by, the REALITY THEY PRESENT TO YOU is a motion picture script. And you follow it, thinking it is life playing itself out. This is how Satan plays his game. Manipulation is the name of the game! And the evil ones know how to play the game.
Stay strong in thy faith, our dear friend. Your nation is beloved in the sight of The Lord! Just as Valerie is protected in Tehachapi, so too, are you! As you see the attacks rise against your land, know that our craft are parked high and directly overhead.
The volcanic BOMBING and the so-called “Lone Gunman” shootings is the adversary trying to silence the truth of what is really there. However, never tarry from thy path and appointed mission! God knows who His Troops are, and has NEVER left them—or their families! Just as Jesus had the help and assistance of the Celestial Hosts of Heaven to see Him through His mission, so too, do the children of God have assistance.
As you enter your Christmas season of Love and Reverence, know that the examples of Christ-ness are all around you. I will begin each forthcoming day with the miracles of God and “Jesus”, in that you might find strength and peace of mind. If GOD CAN SUSTAIN HIMSELF THROUGH SUCH ADVERSATY—THEN SO CAN YOU! A REMINDER OF WHAT Christmas really and truly means is revisiting the path that Jesus taught. Is that not what the “holiday” is supposed to bring unto thy family and dear, dear friends? Let us not lose sight of the meaning of it all—NO MATTER WHAT THE KHAZARS WOULD HAVE YOU CHRISTIANS TO BELIEVE!
You must understand that this is much more than getting a better signal on your little telephone boxes. The entire thrust is MIND CONTROL AND THE ELECTRONIC (OR, AS ZBIGNIEW BREZINSKI’S BOOK: “THE TECHNOTRONIC ERA” CALLS IT CONTROL OF THE WHOLE HUMAN RACE! You are in the Star Wars era, too! Only no one told you that your movies are way, way behind what your governments are truly capable of. At the highest level of the James Bond intrigue and super-secret “gadgets”, is the Star Wars weaponry that you are led to believe is “science fiction”, and science “fantasy”. Nay, nay, this technology is at the core of all your so-called secret mystery schools. But it is kept from you—not to protect David Copperfield’s illusions and magic tricks—but to deceive an entire nation and world!
The massive thrust into space for research and telecommunications products for your “ease and comfort” is not the focus. Satan’s master plan for your TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT and death is based on this wonderful technology. Remember, that John of the Holy Bible saw in his visions of the future to come—A MASSIVE COMPUTER BY WHICH MAN COULD NOT BUY, SELL, OR TRADE, WITHOUT THE MARK OF THE BEAST! Remember that?
The “mark” is the Universal Product Code, or “Bar Code”, on all your packaged goods and services. The Jews did that in ancient Khazaria, between the Black See and the Caspian Sea. Only now, you are hooked into the system. As they slowly move you into CASH-LESS SOCIETY, you will no longer receive “money” (gold, coins, barter, etc.) for your labor and businesses. The Jews already have all your gold. Nothing is in Fort Knox, Kentucky. Naval Intelligence—UNDER ORDERS OF BRITISH INTELLIGENCE—stole it decades ago, and shipped it to Basel, Switzerland. Remember the James Bond motion picture “Gold finger”? That is a TRUE STORY! ONLY YOU LOST! And “Gold finger” was none other than David Rockefeller! “James Bond” and “Star Trek”—ARE ACTUAL STORIES THAT HAVE TRANSPIRED, DEAR ONES. ONLY TWEAKED AND EDITED TO HIDE THE TRUTH-BRINGERS FROM DEATH SENTENCES, FOR TRYING TO TELL YOU-THE-PEOPLE.
Only God and His HOSTS FROM AFAR, in their machines from the ends of the Universe, can protect you now. This is why you must call on the HIGHEST SOURCE for thy salvation. Man has slept too long, and your adversary has grown great—lo these many eons of time.
But be not fearful for God is all-powerful, and nothing can stand against the light! Therefore, remember what Jesus was up against in His day with your Luciferian adversary. This is why “Christ” is being removed from your schools, and public places. This is why your churches and temples are full of homosexuals, and pedophiles, in great numbers. Do you think it was God who did and allowed these things to come to pass? Or could this have been THE PLAN, all along??
The Christed Light is an ENERGY FIELD that will protect you against the pulses and beams of the adversary’s technology. Even if you do not fully comprehend, ask for assistance, and it will be given unto you. If you, as a Christ-follower, doubt in the power of the spirit, let us be in the reminding there of!
During the fourth night watch, Jmmanuel came towards them, walking on the waves of the sea. When his disciples saw him walk upon the water, they were terrified and said, “He is a ghost”, and they were screaming in fear. Soon, Jmmanuel reached near unto the boat and spoke to them saying, “Be comforted for it is I, do not be afraid. I have come to bring you to safety.” “Master, is it truly you?” Peter asked. And Jmmanuel answered, “Verily, it is me.” Peter could not understand and called to Jmmanuel, “Master, if it is you, please let me come to you upon the water.” Jmmanuel said, “Then come here unto me and do not be afraid, believe and know that the water will carry you and it will carry you and it shall carry you. Do not doubt in your faith and your knowledge, and the water will be firm beneath your feet.” Peter stepped from the boat and was held above the water and he walked toward Jmmanuel. But then strong thunder ripped through the howling storm and he was startled and began to go down into the sea, and he screamed and called, “Jmmanuel, help me!” Jmmanuel quickly went to him, reached forth his hand and pulled him gently up above the waves saying, “Oh you of little faith, why are you startled, and why do you doubt when things appear to be difficult and formidable? The power of your knowledge gives you the ability which you have just witnessed. You trusted in my words before the thunder came, but when you were shaken and began to doubt, then the power of knowledge left you and your ability disappeared also.
“Never doubt in the power of the spirit which is part of The Creation Itself and therefore does not know any limits of power.
“Behold there was a little bird who circled the sky a great distance in the air and whistled and sang in rejoicement about life when a strong gust of wind came and made him waver. He suddenly doubted his power to fly, fell and crashed and was thusly killed.
“Therefore, never doubt in the power of your spirit and never doubt in your knowledge, when logic proves to you the Law of The Creation. Even in thy daily lives you can see the logic of The Creation and know truth, for all about you will be done that which you perceive cannot be done.”
Peter and Jmmanuel then stepped into the boat, and Jmmanuel told the storm to stop, and it abated and the winds ceased to blow and all was quiet as the waves became stilled. Aboard the boat, the men marveled and said, “You are indeed a Master of the Spirit and someone who knows the Laws of The Creation. No one like you has ever been born, and also, no prophet has had such power.”
Jmmanuel smiled and answered, “I tell you there are greater masters of spiritual powers than me, and they are our patriarchs who came out the great space, and the greatest among them is God and He is the spiritual ruler of the three human races. But above Him, is The Creation whose Laws he faithfully follows and adheres to, and he, God, is not omnipotent either, as only The Creation Itself can be omnipotent. Thus there are limits for him who allows himself to be called God and who is above kings and emperors, as has been said. But man is ignorant and immature because he considers God as the same as The Creation and follows the false teachings that were adulterated by distorters and charlatans. Thus, when man believes in God, he does not believe in The Creation, for God is man on a far greater dimension of perfection and it is left for man to grow in his own truth and perfection that he can attain such perfection.
“There is a great difference in God and man, however, that in his spirit He is infinitely greater than all people upon the Earth. But He is NOT The Creation, which is infinite and without any form nor limitations. Thus, God, too, is a creation of the Original Creation which has no beginning and has no ending.”
All was very quiet upon the sea as they came across the water and went ashore, in the land of Gennesareth`. When the people in this place became aware of him, they sent word all over the land and brought all to him who were sick and infirm. They asked that they might even touch the hem of his clothing that they might be healed. And thus it took place; those that so much as touched the hem of his robe became whole.
* * *
Jesus did these things before the people that you might KNOW from where your own power is sourced. Is it not wondrous, that you have such assistance at your disposal for the mere asking? God has never forsaken HIS children. Do not be led into believing that there is no Lord in Heaven looking after thee. For it is your faith and works that will carry you, too!
Let us break here, please, and continue with the next chapter. Hatonn moving to stand-by, Salu.
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