Monday, March 19, 2012

New Series 95: THE LAST WORLD WAR IS BEGUN—BRING A STOP TO IT NOW WHILE THERE IS TIME Your Founding Fathers warned that the most dangerous threat to your CONSTITUTIONAL Republic of America is the entanglement of your military in FOREIGN DISPUTES THAT DO NOT CONCERN YOU! The “Jews” of Khazarian “Israel”—who are NOT real Judean Hebrew “Jews” of your Holy Bible—have gotten the United States into all manner of conflicts that have made you look like the “bad guys”.

2/25/12 from HATONN/jonur (ns95)

Good evening/morning; Hatonn present in the Holy Light of God Aton of the ONE Source.  Let us continue, please.  This is the last chapter of this JOURNAL on the subject of Higher Universal Man (HUMan).  Even though the various subjects all connect and intertwine, it is important to have titles and subtitles to separate the different topics under discussion, so as to catalogue them properly for future reference and study.  This is your salvation, chelas, and if you don’t know what we are talking about, your adversary can deceive you mightily.

There is much to catch up on and almost no “time” to study the information herein.  However, if you know not what is wrong, you cannot “fix” the problem.



Your Founding Fathers warned that the most dangerous threat to your CONSTITUTIONAL Republic of America is the entanglement of your military in FOREIGN DISPUTES THAT DO NOT CONCERN YOU!  The “Jews” of Khazarian “Israel”—who are NOT real Judean Hebrew “Jews” of your Holy Bible—have gotten the United States into all manner of conflicts that have made you look like the “bad guys”.  The people of the world look to you to lay the moral framework for all others to follow.  Your President embodies that principle in the very FACT of his election as a Black “mixed” man of ethnic heritage.  The world is watching and waiting to see if the Zionists will step over the line and interfere with the people’s choice of a Presidency, ordained by God.  As I have said before, even the so-called Ku Klux Klan have rallied behind the Kansas White girl and Kenya, Africa man’s son, who—as Martin Luther King, Jr., said will “save the soul of America”—who is at the helm of your Republic.  (Notice I did not say “Democracy”, which a “Communist”, Socialist, Marxist, Leninist, plank to national slavery.)  Even the Klan believes in God of Holy Light, and those were CROSSES burned on the lawns, and before those lynched by the grandfathers and ancestors of hate.  “God, we now know that that is wrong and we hope and PRAY that you will remember the sins (errors) of our fathers, AND OUR ALLOWANCE OF A BLACK PRESIDENT IN THESE ‘LAST DAYS’, AMEN!”  So be it!  For God, indeed, hears all sincere petitions for forgiveness!



Foreign entanglements (caused by the “Jews”) will be the instrument that destroys America and then the world.  The Jews want war so that Christianity and Christ-ness can be crushed once and for all.  They have plotted and schemed for centuries to bring about this end; and now they have all the gold and control each nation’s military.  The Arabs believe in God also, and they will not roll over and die as the “liberal” Americans have.  They know that they will have to answer to God for what they DO OR DO NOT DO!  Right at this very moment, President Barack Obama has saved your bacon from burning to a crisp in the fire.  The Arabs want no more than for America to step away from the false “Jews” of “Israel” and follow your own laws of liberty and freedom for ALL peoples, and not just puppets of the Zionist Khazars in the stolen land of Palestine.

President Washington:  [Given before Congress in 1796—now regarded as an all-time classic in content.  Something else your Zionist Khazarian “Jewish” professors did not allow your children to learn in YOUR public school system.]

“So likewise a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils.  Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter, without adequate inducements of justifications.

“It leads also to concessions, to the favorite nation, of privileges denied to others, which is apt doubly to injure the nation making the concessions, by unnecessary parting with what ought to have been retained, and by exciting jealousy, ill will, and a disposition to retaliate in the parties from whom equal privileges are withheld; and it gives to ambitious, corrupted or deluded citizens who devote themselves to the favorite nation, facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country without odium, sometimes even with popularity:  gilding with the appearances of a virtuous sense of obligation, a commendable deference for public opinion, or a laudable zeal for the public good, the base or foolish compliances of ambition, corruption or infatuation.

“As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent patriot.  How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils.

“Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow citizens), the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government.  But that jealousy, to be useful, must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defense against it.

“Excessive partiality for one foreign nation, and excessive dislike for another, cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other.

“Real patriots, who may resist the intrigues of the favorite, are liable to become suspected and odious while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interest.

“The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible.  So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith:  (But) here let us stop.

“Europe has a set of primary interests, which to us have none, or a very remote, relation.  Hence, she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns.  Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves, by artificial ties, in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collusions of her friendships or enmities.

“In offering to you, my countrymen, these counsels of an old and affectionate friend, I dare not hope that they will make the strong and lasting impression I could wish; that they will control the usual current of the passions or prevent our nation from running the course which has hitherto marked the destiny of nations.

“But if I may even flatter myself that they may be productive of some partial benefit, some occasional good, that they may now and then recur to moderate the fury of party spirit, to warn against the mischiefs of foreign intrigue, to guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism, this hope will be a full recompense for the solicitude for your welfare by which they have been dictated.”

George Washington

Study the language of what President Washington was efforting to tell you.  You cannot follow Israel and Britain into another “Universal War”, as the Zionists call it.  Syria is a Mossad/British Intelligence operation to draw America into World War III!  Do you understand that???  Russia and China???  NUCLEAR WEAPONS FROM SUBMARINES, AIRPLANES, AND LAND-BASED LAUNCH SILOS—ALL TARGETING U.S. CITIES AND MILITARY BASES!!!  GET THE POINT???!!!  “They” have underground facilities to weather the storm of atomic fire and brimstone and radioactive fallout—you do not!

Do you not see that it is Israel who is getting the Arab world mad at you again?



The Israeli secret service, the Mossad, has infiltrated ALL ARAB COUNTRIES and now use COVERT TERRORISM to cause in-fighting among the different sects of Arab peoples.  Divide and conquer is the way the Luciferian Khazar (pronounced “Ka-zar”, not to be confused with Russia’s murdered Czar—pronounced “Zar”, which is Russia for “Caesar”) gets wars started.  These imposter “Jews” of Khazarian lineage finance BOTH AND ALL SIDES to these conflicts so they can reap unbelievable profits, and gain control POLITICALLY because all sides are totally exhausted after the fighting.

Afghanistan is where the opium comes from that is poisoning the world—AND MESMERIZING YOU-THE-PEOPLE OF GOD INTO FOLLOWING THE PLAN OF THE EVIL CONSPIRATORS!  The killing of an American Colonel in the best secured place in Afghanistan, with no witnesses since he was “all alone”, was done by the very Israeli Jews you trust with your lives!  That is why the assassin was able to walk out and “disappear without a trace”.

And who do you suppose “accidentally” burned the copies of the Islamic Holy Book, the Koran, in the first place?  And the soldiers supposedly “shot by Afghan military personnel” in retaliation??  Wake up and see that which is unfolding, chelas; the “Hollywood Jews” orchestrate every facet of your lives through scripted “reality shows”.  But YOU believe you are seeing spontaneous events and happenings, never suspecting that these things are planned by British Intelligence and Mossad planners.

The Jews are building their case for NUCLEAR WAR ONE nightly on CNN and the regular news outlets—which are identical, one with the other!  You must come to realize that you get no news at all, only that which the Hollywood Jew wishes you to believe, so they can make the United States of America—your Christian nation under God—kill innocent citizens in far away countries.

And now the Jews are trying to have a preemptive strike against Iran, which will escalate into all the nations of the Arab world.  That is the plan—to have an “Armageddon” just like the Jews wrote in your Holy Bible!  That, too, is a SCRIPT YOUR ADVERSARY IS TRYING TO GET YOU CHRISTIANS TO FOLLOW!  God did not say you had to have a holy war—that is what man said.  War is NOT of God, remember???!  President Obama is doing all he can to return your nation to an “America First” policy, for that is the only thing that will save you.  Why?  Because America is a “Christian Nation”, and Christ-followers—like Obama and yourselves—follow God’s Laws, and war is  not one of them!

The Israelis, on the other hand, worship war, “Moses” worshipped war (I refer not to the Judean Hebrew interpretation of Charlton Heston’s “Ten Commandments”; that is another topic for later discussion.  Again, “Jews” and Hebrews from your Biblical days are not the same race.  One is Godly in intent; the other is satanic in intent, action, and PLANNING! and trickery and “spying” have long been the Jew’s preferred method of dealing with all non-Jews—or “Goyim”, as they call you.  “Sacrificial animals, non-human ‘cows’ and sheep to be slaughtered by the wolves”—of which they boastfully claim to assume that role!



“Wars And Rumors Of Wars”—Jesus told you what to look for so you would know the signs of the times.  And where are you this day?  You, as a species of man, have all the technology you need to pull off this Armageddon scenario ALL BY YOURSELF—WITHOUT GOD COMING INTO THE PICTURE!  The toys you are playing with now can “back feed” upon itself and turn everything you perceive in your physical reality into dust—IN LESS THAN 15 MINUTES!  That is how far you have come in degradation which results from casting out God’s Laws, and The Laws of The Creation (Nature).

Do you deserve “saving” by a God on high and His Celestial Hosts of “Heaven”?  What have YOU DONE to merit such a thing?  Sitting and believing on the blood of a murdered man two-thousand years ago will not cut it, my friends.  God of Holy Light requires action based on the Truth of HIS laws.  Your Jewish Khazarian adversary has seen to it that God’s people have lost sight of what Aton (God) really is, and what He requires of those who claim to be His people.

The masses have been misled by those you Christians thought were your blood-brothers—the Israelis.  Have you forgotten your “Jesus movies”?  The “Money Changers” in the temple and the “Den of Vipers (Serpents/Snakes/‘Serpent People’ by their own label)” are “J.E.W.S.”  Jews do not like, nor do they worship, Immanuel Esu SANANDA The Christed.  They so despised this lamb of God that they tortured and crucified Him—for teaching about love for your fellow man and neighborly good-will in deeds to all!

Does it not fit properly in sequence that these same money changers—who are still “Jews”, and who still don’t care for “Jesus” and are today called “International Bankers” and “Israelis”—are causing all the death and destruction and wars that are plaguing you Christians two-thousand years on—AND COUNTING??!!

Through their control of the money supply, and politics through sexual bribery (why do you think ones like Barney Frank and Weiner and others, felt open enough to act in such obscene and perverted behavior in your own government houses?), the Jews have turned Washington itself into a slimy den of evil!  You-the-people have barely a clue to the homosexual, lesbian, and PEDOPHILE (RAPE AND MOLESTATION OF CHILDREN) ACTIVITIES THAT ARE RAMPANT BEHIND CLOSED DOORS!  IT IS FAR WORSE THAN SODOM AND GOMORRAH, PRECIOUS ONES, AND IT IS FOSTERED BY ISRAELI JEWS TO DESTROY AND TAKE OVER AMERICA FROM WITHIN!

Your Founding Fathers knew the implications of getting your nation entangled in the Zionist trap of perpetual war, one nation against the other, neighbor against neighbor.  That is why the Khazar “Jews” have no national boundaries, as such; it enables them to have their spies and secret operatives to sow discontent in each of the lands which they inhabit AS CANCEROUS PARASITES—FEEDING OFF THE BLOOD AND GOLD OF YOUR MISERY!

This you must put a stop to if you are to live on this planet peacefully and in brotherhood with your fellow man.  Obviously Satan does not want that; it spoils all his fun!  And let us not forget:  THE NEXT BIG WAR WILL BE NUCLEAR!  The Russians and Chinese are prepared; their population can survive atomic blasts and the subsequent radioactive fallout in a nice tunnel and below-ground shelter system.  Where is yours?  You see, the Israeli Khazars do not plan for you to live through such a holocaust, they hate you as a Christian nation founded under God.  And now finally they can be rid of God and Christ-ness once and for all.  The Jews, too, have a shelter and fallout system for their people to hopefully ride out the war in relative safety and comfort.

Also, Australia, New Zealand, and SOUTH GEORGIA ISLAND—OFF SHORE OF THE FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)—await the selected FEW politicians chosen to survive along with the elite conspirators.  This is why Prince William is “on training maneuvers” in his rescue helicopter in the Falklands.  Making sure all is well with the secret hideout for the Queen Mum and the rest of the House of Windsor.  And make no mistake about it, the conspirators will have their fannies out of there long before the bombs fly!

As we bring this JOURNAL to a close, allow me to thank all those who truly want to reclaim that which God gave unto His people.  America was birthed in light and truth of what mankind is capable of WITH divine guidance from his Creator.  It is time humanity climb out of the barbarian past of the days in the cave and the jungle, and enter into a New Era of Cosmic Consciousness and ONENESS with God.

You are in the last days of a planet, and God Aton has returned for His people.  The false Jews of your Holy Bible control your media outlet (books, newspapers, television, movies, magazines, radio, theater) and they have kept the truth from you-the-people so their evil schemes do not see the light of day.  For if you find out too soon what and who is doing this to your world, you will put a stop to it.  You outnumber the Khazars billions to their very few; that means only their trickery and lies bind you to the shackles around your ankles.  The Internet has gotten away from them, and now you can get the word out quickly to a massive enough audience who will see what the problem is.  As the Israelis push headlong into another war for the United States to just jump right back into, it is becoming obvious WHO THE REAL INSTIGATORS ARE!  And, who the REAL PEACE-MAKER IS among your government stooges.  President Obama has collared the Israeli Beast and brought him to the surface.  Stand with your President and show that American values and Israeli values are poles apart.  The Jew wants and NEEDS war to survive, like vultures survive off of death and carnage of the flesh.  As humanity recognizes the problem, a solution can be readily applied.

The weekly output will be more than two JOURNALS a week from here on out—so do not fall behind in thy homework!  Study the lessons so you know what is coming and can then act in reason and wisdom.  God provides that which man asks for; however, you must know WHERE to go to find those gifts.  Knowledge—above all else—is the gift you need most.  How else can anything be “fixed” and cleaned up if you don’t know what’s wrong???  The Messengers are come and The WORD is before you; utilize the Blessings, and DO YOUR PART; God will do the rest.

Be at peace and realize the Angels do watch over you in thy time of need and great tribulation.  The Master Teacher “Jesus” told you that He would return with The HOSTS.  Well, that is us, precious ones; do not miss the handwriting on the wall (or in the JOURNALS).  God is within and you had best ask for assistance, for every sincere whispering of a petition to help is heard.  Now allow for the inspired (def. IN-SPIRIT) response to come, and take you heed of that response!

Jonur, close this chapter and we will begin on the next book immediately.  Hatonn moving to stand-by.  Salu! 

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