Tuesday, April 9, 2013

New Series 158: Hatonn: Indeed, you have been an Israeli puppet since before the “creation” of “Israel” in 1947. President Obama has halted several attempts by the false Jews, who took over Palestine and called it “Israel”, who want to start a NUCLEAR war with the Arabs in Iran. Your world would have long ago erupted in a nuclear fire-storm, if Obama was not your sitting President.Since he represents Godly people, affording to reclaim their country, the world waits and watches and prays for you, America, to make a stand against Jewish Zionist power in your foreign policy. And you are doing so, the Word is going out that Israel is the Anti-Christ / Anti-God element, and Jewish (Wall Street) money changers are trying to destroy America and her citizens. Do not let that momentum die down, continue to push for a return to CONSTITUTIONAL CONTROL, and not UN and NATO directorates, set up by un-Constitutional, treasonous treaties drafted by Jewish lawyers

3/18/13 from HATONN/jonur (ns158)

Hatonn present in the Radiance of God.  May TRUTH serve as your sword and buckler!  Now let us arm the people!

Just continue where we left off with the article on “Zionist Power:  Myth or Reality?”


That Israel’s interests are the “litmus test” for U.S. domestic and foreign policy was made abundantly clear by the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro, in remarks he made to the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) on September 6, 2011:  (See Article:  “Speech removed from U.S. Embassy in Israel Website”)

“There are two implications that flow from the President (Obama) identifying this core interest (absolute commitment to Israel) that I would like to discuss.

The first is this—the test of every policy the Administration (Obama’s) develops in the Middle East is whether it is consistent with the goal of ensuring Israel’s future as a secure, Jewish, democratic state.  That is a commitment that runs as a common thread through our entire government, even while approaching the U.S.-Israel relationship and regional challenges from a variety of perspectives.

“The test of our policy—that it advances Israel’s status as a secure, Jewish, democratic state—also explains our commitment to vigorously battle against those who would attempt to isolate or delegitimize Israel in the international community.”

This is an outrageous and incredible admission by an Obama official that America’s foreign policy is developed and implemented with Israel’s interests in mind, not those of the United States.[Hatonn:  Indeed, you have been an Israeli puppet since before the “creation” of “Israel” in 1947.  President Obama has halted several attempts by the false Jews, who took over Palestine and called it “Israel”, who want to start a NUCLEAR war with the Arabs in Iran.  Your world would have long ago erupted in a nuclear fire-storm, if Obama was not your sitting President.  Since he represents Godly people, affording to reclaim their country, the world waits and watches and prays for you, America, to make a stand against Jewish Zionist power in your foreign policy.  And you are doing so, the Word is going out that Israel is the Anti-Christ / Anti-God element, and Jewish (Wall Street) money changers are trying to destroy America and her citizens.  Do not let that momentum die down, continue to push for a return to CONSTITUTIONAL CONTROL, and not UN and NATO directorates, set up by un-Constitutional, treasonous treaties drafted by Jewish lawyers.]

Naturally, the media would never report this and expose to the American people whom the President and Congress truly serve.  As long as Americans are kept distracted and busy following the calendar of holiday sales and corporate indoctrination that feeds the epidemic disease of consumerism, chasing the latest toy, Americans will continue to pay and die for Israel’s wars.  Remember Iraq.  Next stop is Iran.

How Can Israel so Forcefully Dominate the World’s Sole Superpower?

[H:  America is not the sole superpower nation, chelas, and Israel is armed to the teeth in preparation to use atomic weapons to trigger a war!  The Russians and the Chinese have vast nuclear AND SPACE capabilities, you ones are not informed of, and yet, the Zionists are pushing head-long into a confrontation that will involve everyone.]

Simple:  It’s the wealth and power of America’s daunting “Jewish Oligarchy”.

While constituting only <1.7% of the American population Jewish Americans dominate and pepper every important American institution thereby ensuring that Israel and Jewish concerns are of paramount concerns in all domestic and foreign policy.

From the Executive Branch, to Congress, to Wall Street banking and financial institutions, from corporate ownership and leadership of American industry to the media and Hollywood, from Academic Institutions to “think tanks” whose only agenda is Israel’s interests, from advertising and public relations firms to consultants who package politicians and toilet paper, the “Jewish Oligarchy” is dominant.

Jews in Obama’s Administration:

Jews pepper the Executive Branch including holding the most powerful positions in the Executive Branch as Chiefs of Staff for the President and Vice President thus controlling the agenda and flow of information that reaches them to deciding which persons or groups meet them.  [H:  The Zionist Khazars (fake Hebrew Judeans, who call themselves “Jews”, to confuse the world into thinking the two groups are the same.  THEY ARE NOT!) have controlled your nation this way after they got rid of Lincoln.  The Rothschild spies slowly infiltrated those government key positions, so they could then get laws passed that would undermine the very things your Founding Fathers put in your CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS.  From the Khazar Eisenhower, through Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, the Bush’s, and Clinton, the same “advisors” have been running your country.  If you’ll look back, you will notice that America has always followed British-Israel leadership—that led to all your disastrous wars and conflicts.  Your own Constitution forbids getting entangled in foreign wars!  But the Jews have tricked you into weakening and alienating your dear America, by fighting everybody, everywhere!  You were THE model nation until Israeli “Jewish” Khazarian foreign policy advisors and bankers, maneuvered you into endless “wars and rumors of wars”.  This is when you became known as “the Great Satan”, and “Little Israel”.  Only now, with your President of the People of the Republic, have you regained the respect of a war-weary world.  The Hope of species of man lies in the balance.  Pick up the banner of God and Christ—the two enemies of the Luciferian Jew—and demand that the evil depart your nation and world!  They will devour themselves and fall to the wayside when you unite as ONE under Aton (God).  Remember… evil cannot stand in the Light.]

Between African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians, Arabs and Muslims, Women’s groups, and members of AIPAC [An Israeli “Lobby” group]—whom do you think these Chiefs of Staff will choose to meet the President?

Jews are always present at the National Security Council either as Chairs (Bill Clinton’s Samuel Berger) or as members.  The position on the NSC [National Security Council] that deals with the Middle East is always held by a Jewish American.  Additionally, advisors to the President on the Middle East are usually Zionist Jews.

The two Cabinet Departments that Jews covet and ensure their presence either as Secretaries, Under Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries, or as Assistant Secretaries, are the State and Defense Departments.  Thus they have the power and oversight to formulate and implement a pro-Israel foreign policy.  The invasion and destruction of Iraq was formulated and pushed by Jewish Neocons in the Bush Administration, in the media, think tanks, and academia.

Ari Shavit, a respected Israeli Journalist, wrote an op-ed piece in Haaretz, April 3, 2002, titled “White Man’s Burden” in which he discusses the lead up to the Iraq War.  He writes:
“The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history.”

For laying waste to Iraq no one has been held accountable, especially not the war criminals Bush and Blair [British Prime Minister] and not the Jewish Neocons [or Christian Zionists] in the Bush Administration.
Jewish Americans in the White House [there are others]:

Jack Lew—Obama’s Chief of Staff (first chief war Rahm Emanuel)

[H:  Let me point out that this is not a “Witch Hunt”, pointing fingers at Jews.  HOWEVER, IF ALL THE TOP IMPORTANT ECONOMY, DEFENSE, SPACE, EDUCATION, AND FOREIGN POLICY, POSITIONS OF THE WHOLE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT WERE CHINESE NATIONALISTS, OR SOVIET “HARDLINERS”, OR PAKISTANI MILITANTS—WOULD YOU NOT BE JUST A LITTLE BIT CONCERNED ABOUT IT???!!!  And most importantly—WHY THE “MINORITY GROUP” PULLING YOUR STRINGS, KEEPS SENDING YOUR YOUNG FIGHTING MEN TO WAR TO DIE AND KILL FOR A FOREIGN NATION WHO HATES AND DISPISES YOU!  You, America, are fighting all of Israel’s battles, and it so happens Israel is the one causing all the trouble in the world!  Even the Hebrew Judean Judaists are shouting to the top of their lungs:  “Israel is a false nation created in 1947 by false Judeans, who call themselves ‘Jews’!  Why are you letting these barbarians take control of your country without so much as a peep from your citizens—WHO CLAIM TO BE OF GOD??!!”  It is because you have been fooled into believing that the Nomadic (Wanderer) Khazar warriors of Biblical days are God’s people from your Holy Bible.  Revelation said there would be “false ones claiming to be Jews“, and the world would be deceived in the “Last Days”!  And here they are!  Wonderful!  If the situation were not so serious it would be laughable, that a handful of Khazar “Jews” have robbed an entire world!  Well, let us point some fingers and reclaim that which God Aton gave to YOU, His chosen people of America:  The Nation Founded Under God, and whose money says:  “In God We Trust”!]

Ronald Klain—V.P. Biden’s former Chief of Staff (also Al Gore’s Chief)  [H:  Gore is a Khazar “Jew”, too, in case you didn’t know.]

Alan Krueger—Chair of Council of Economic Advisers
Jeffrey Zients—Director of Office of Management and Budget
David Axelrod—Senior Advisor to President
Jarrod Bernstein—White House Jewish Liaison to Jewish Community
Susan Sher—Chief of Staff for First Lady Michelle Obama
President Obama appointed Representative Debra Wasserman Shultz (D-FL) as Chair of the Democratic National Committee

[H:  To President Obama, or any other White or Black “regular American” (especially Black people), Khazars appear to be “just White people”.  This is why they have been able to pull this off for so long.  For you see, by NOT wearing the traditional so-called Jewish dress, i.e., the little “beanie” cap or Yarmulke, the distinctive hair braid down each side of the head, etc., THEY CAN PASS FOR GENTILES.  Similar in kind, to Blacks who are very, very light- skinned, have straight or curly hair, thin lips, and who speak “the King’s English”, if you will, without Ebonics.  They sometimes can pass for White; in fact, they usually go around constantly telling people that they are, indeed, African American, and showing family history and pictures to prove it!  Well, Jewish Khazars do the opposite—they can better steal from and manipulate God’s Christians, BY BEING WHAT JESUS REFERRED TO THEM AS, “‘SPIES’ COME TO BETRAY US!”  That is why “Jews” are the most racially “mixed” of all peoples.  Each race is a doorway into another culture—NATION which they can plunder and ruin.  The TALMUD JEWISH KHAZARIAN BIBLE (NOT JUDEAN HEBREW TORAH) ORDERS THEM TO DO EXACTLY THAT!  Is Hatonn being “Anti-Semitic” for pointing this FACT out?  Particularly since this false tribe of imposters is plotting the genocide of Billions of God’s own children?  I think not!  Let us continue, please.]

(Note:  President Bill Clinton appointed Steven Grossman who was head of AIPAC [H:  American Israeli Political Action Committee, or something or other.]  (1992-1997), Israel’s most powerful lobby as Chair of the Democratic National Committee (1997-1999).  Only in America does a Lobbyist for a foreign nation become the head of a major political party.

Obama’s Jewish Economic Team:

The men and women who run the government’s budgetary and economic policy are primarily Jews.  These are current and past members of the economic team.

Timothy Geithner:  Secretary of the Treasury.  [H:  Remember the old synthetic robotoid (“clone”) Alan Greenspan?  Multiple copies did not do this entity any justice in the looks department!  He was the long sitting head of the Jewish-Owned, illegal, Federal Reserve Bank.  His wife is top political foreign NBC correspondent Andrea Mitchell!  How’s that for “keeping it in the family”!]  Previously he served as President of the Federal Reserve Bank in New York.  

[H:  Later we will again look at the “Fed” and the means by which your nation went bankrupt, and how the Jews plan to foreclose on all public and private property.  Where will you-the-people go?  How about those nice concentration camps springing up everywhere in your national parks, and isolated locations outside of your major cities and towns.  Oh, this ain’t China or the Soviet Union, it can’t happen here????  It is all but finished!  Because the PEOPLE don’t know about these plans, one big “National Emergency”, say a little nuclear war, or nation-wide super Flu or AIDS disaster, or even total financial collapse—followed by coast-to-coast rioting (which of course, the Jews themselves will secretly ignite), will enact FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT (AGENCY).  The U.S. Constitution will be suspended—INDEFINATELY—and it will be over.  The last thing stopping them is that you, as A PEOPLE, are armed.  Hold to your weapons of defense and your right to free speech.  Or else, this WORD from God will be halted, and you will have no more instructions and early warnings.  And remember—HE WHO HAS THE GUN RULES!  If you let the Jews trick you into confiscating your own weapons, because of the STAGED Mossad/CIA mass shootings, they can do the same thing they (the Khazar “Jews”) did in the Soviet Union and Cambodia and China.]

Ben Bernanke:  Chair of the Federal Reserve Bank (Previously; Alan Greenspan)
Robert Zoelick:  Former President of the World Bank (Previous Presidents were Paul Wolfowitz and James Wolfensohn, both Jews)
Fred P. Hochberg:  Chairman of Export-Import Bank
Other Jewish Members of Obama’s Economic Team:  [some have left]
Paul Volcker, Larry Summers, Robert Rubin, Alan Binder, Jason Furman, Peter Orszag, Robert Reich, Jeffrey Zeints, Neal Barotsky, Jared Bernstein, and many others.
Almost all of Obama’s “Czars” on everything from Auto Bailout to Climate Change are Jewish [H:  Like I said, these Khazars did not just suddenly appear over night!  Every President going back to before Eisenhower (who was a Jew), had HANDPICKED Jews by none other than Lord Rothschild himself!  “Colonel House”, a Dutch Jew, was charged with handling these “American agents” of the Rothschild’s during Woodrow Wilson’s Presidency—before and after as well!  Many were British Freemasons sworn to take back America as a British-Israel “asset”, so understand that you are dealing with a very old, deep-seated network of evil Jewish scheming to destroy Christianity.  Your Holy Bible told you Even the very elect shall be deceived.  Therefore, all of America must join together and expose the beast, least you stick out like a sore thumb to be “taken out”, as has happened to many, many ones who get in the way of the Jewish Plan for global domination.]

Chairs of most Regulatory Agencies are all Jewish, like the SEC, FDIC, FDA, CDC, FTC, SBA, IRS, CFTC, NIDA (See below for names of these Agencies)
Alan Bersin:  Special Representative for Border Affairs.
The Federal Reserve Bank:
The Federal Reserve is America’s Central Bank, [H:  Same thing expressly forbidden by your Constitution.  That was what you were running away from in Europe—THE ROTHSCHILD “CENTRAL BANK”.] and is the most important and influential institution impacting the American economy.  It’s Board of Governors and Presidents of the Regional Banks are appointed by the President.  Whoever runs the Federal Reserve Banking system in effect runs the American economy.


And what did Rothschild so famously say:  “Permit me to control the money supply, and I care not what puppet sits on the throne.”  Do you see why “Jesus” Immanuel SANANDA was crucified, right after chasing the Pharisee Money Changers—Khazar Jews—out of the temple/church?  Because He saw this, that you are in now, come upon you 2,000 years later.  Yes, Jewish banksters are that dangerous!

Hatonn moving to standby.  Salu!  


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