Thursday, September 20, 2012

New Series 111: Hatonn present in light. I will effort to keep the “Chapters” (breaks) frequent and in manageable format so as to facilitate ease of comprehension and understanding. Please bear with us as adjustments are being made.

8/19/12 from HATONN/jonur (ns111)

Hatonn present in light.  I will effort to keep the “Chapters” (breaks) frequent and in manageable format so as to facilitate ease of comprehension and understanding.  Please bear with us as adjustments are being made.

Hatonn/Aton is sometimes the heading as I am ATON of mine HIGHER SELF.  Either it is announced before or after the documentation—or not at all—however, you most certainly will discern the change in energy frequency.


As you learn to separate that which is evil from the Zionist lies, you will come into the understanding of why your adversary SEPARATED THE “CHURCH” FROM THE “STATE”. Your Founding Fathers of the United States of America were praying men!  They never intended to have a “nation under God” without God present every moment of your country’s existence!

Therefore, Satan had to circumnavigate your CONSTITUTION in order to pass UN-CONSTITUTIONAL legislation, which is illegal AND unlawful, however you look at it, and make you THINK it was their intent from the start.  The Khazar Jews will do anything they can to get God out of your courts, your schools, your life!  So don’t let them stand on the grounds of The ONE who created you, in goodness and light and truth.  Evil cannot stand against the light.  So be it!


You-the-people of America, have no idea of the technological breakthroughs in medicine and psychology that are used to control you in secret.  For if you did, you would rise up in revolution by morning!

Here is an article that briefly outlines some of the TOP SECRET PROGRAMS your Central Intelligence Agency uses to create such things as Mind Controlled Assassins (or “fall guys” for the real killers—covert operatives among the “Secret Police” you didn’t know you had!

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